
List of Gods : "God Ing" - 2419 records

Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Deities name
"Soma (essence)"
Hindu / Vedic, Epic / Puranic Minor god. The deification of the sacred yellow drink soma. Also the consort of SURYA. Regarded in later Hinduism as the dikpala of the northern direction and as one of a group of VASU deities answering to the god INDRA. Attributes: hook, lotus and prayer wheel.See also CANDRA....
God name
Hindu / Epic / Puranic God. Aspect of the god SIVA. Of uncertain origin, but possibly representing a composite trio of Siva with his consort UMA (PARVATI) and his son SKANDA (as a boy). Four-armed. Attributes of Siva: ax, corpse and hatchet. Attribute of Uma: lotus. Attributes of Skanda: Book, headdress, mango fruit and ornament....
Goddess name
Roman Minor god of sleep. He equates with the Greek god HYPNOS. According to legend he is one of the two sons of NYX, goddess of night, and lives in a remote cave beside the Lethe river. He is depicted by Ovid dressed in black but with his robe scattered with stars, wearing a crown of poppies and holding a goblet of opium juice. His attendant is MORPHEUS and he oversees the spirits of dreams and nightmares. Particularly noted from the art of the Lacedaemonians who placed statues of Somnus and MORS side by side....
Goddess name
Greece the saving goddess, occurs as a surname of several female divinities in Greece, e. g. of Artemis at Pegae in Megaris, of Persephone in Laconia, of Athena of Eunomia.
Goddess name
"Sothis [Greek]"
Egypt Astral goddess. She heralds the Nile inundation as the personification of the star Sirius which rises coincidentally in the dawn sky in July. She is depicted as a nude figure wearing the conical white crown of Lower Egypt surmounted by a star. Late in Egyptian history she becomes largely syncretized with ISIS. Also Sopdet (Egyptian)....
Goddess name
Roman That is, the "saving goddess," was a surname of Juno at Lanuvium and at Rome. Roman
Goddess name
Greek The goddess of grain. She was one of the Oenotropae and had the ability to change anything into seed or wheat. Greek
Goddess name
Roman Goddess of hope. Foundations of a sanctuary were commenced by the emperor Tiberius, linked with a similar building dedicated to the god JANUS. She is åśśociated with gardens and depicted as a young woman bearing a bunch of flowers....
God name
Roman Minor god of Agriculture. Mentioned by the writer Fabius Pictor, he is the deity responsible for the uprooting of thorn bushes....
God name
Africa Agriculture - This poor minor god is charged with responsibility of uprooting thorn bushes
God name
Hindu An epithet of Yama, the god of death and king of the underworld. Hindu
Goddess name
"Sri(devi) (prosperity)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic (1) Goddess. An early name which was syncretized with that of LAKSMI to form Sri-Laksmi.(2) Goddess. Buddhist-Lamaist [Tibet]. One of a group of DHARMAPALA with terrible appearance and royal attire who protect the Dalai Lama. A manifestation of the goddess DEVI sometimes seen in company with VIS NU, when conventionally she stands on his right. Her breasts are covered by a narrow band of cloth. She may be invoked to provide wealth (see also Laksmi). Her retinue includes the goddesses of the seasons and her animal is a mule. Color: blue. Attributes: chiefly cup and staff but on occasion several other objects including a pink lotus. Three-eyed and may be three-headed. Also LHA MO.(3) Goddess. Jain....
Goddess name
"Srividyadevi (of excellent knowledge)"
Hindu Minor goddess. A deity of terrifying appearance. Attributes: necklace of bones, teeth....
God name
Jain Youthful appearing god Jain
Deities name
Jain / India God. One of the deities grouped under the general title of BHVANAVASI (dwelling in places). Of youthful appearance....
God name
Roman Minor god of Agriculture. Concerned with the manuring of the fields....
God name
Greek A son of Oceåñuś and Tethys, was a river god of Thrace, and is called a king of Thrace. Greek
Goddess name
Egypt Primordial god of the air. According to the genealogy of the priests of Heliopolis, he is the first born of the creator Sun god ATUM and by his sister TEFNUT is the father of the chthonic god GEB and the sky goddess NUT. S u is typically represented in human form standing over the supine form of Geb and holding Nut aloft with his raised arms. He can also, as one of several manifestations of the “eye of RE,” be represented as a lion, as can his sister....