
List of Gods : "God Min" - 827 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
"Alaisiagae the"
Celtic / British / Roman They are minor goddess
Deities name
Kono / eastern Guinea, West Africa Creator god. One of two creator deities; the other is SA. ALATANGANA created land from swamp and placed vegetation on earth. VAJRAPANI and a large number of minor names.See also AMITABHA, AMOGHASIDDHI, RATNASAMBHAVA and VAIROCANA....
Deities name
Germanic / possibly Icelandic / Nordic Unknown status. The Alcis are twin deities (brothers) known only as sons of the sky gods. From Germanic times we have a La Tene urn with pictures of paired men on horseback and linked by a wooden beam. Tacitus describes the worship of twin gods by the Naharvali tribe, their priests dressed in effeminate costume (see also the Phrygian deity ATTIS). They may have been worshiped in Forest sanctuaries along the northern coast of Europe....
God name
Greek Minor river god. Greek
God name
Egypt underworld god and minor deity who lives in a lake of fire. Egypt
God name
Egypt Chthonic underworld god. A minor deity said to inhabit a lake of fire. The so-called “devourer of the millions.” Depicted with the head of a hound....
Goddess name
Phonecian Minor Goddess of alchemy and conjuration. Banished by El to the desert, where she raised shinx-like creatures with a lion and a human head to fight Baal. Phonecian
Goddess name
Shinto / Japan water goddess. One of the daughters of MINATO-NO-KAMI, the god of river mouths and estuaries, she is known as the “heavenly water divider” and her cult is linked with that of KuniNo-Mi-Kumari-No-Kami....
Deities name
Shinto (Exalted Musubi deity), who is later related to the gods of the heaven; Kami-musubi no Kami (Sacred Musubi deity), related to the gods of the earth; and Ame no Minaka-nushi no Kami (Heavenly Centre-Ruling deity). Some Shinto scholars hold that all Shinto deities are manifestations of Ame no Minaka-nushi no Kami.
Deities name
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Minor god of lakes and fish hunters. One of the deities collectively clåśśed as the MIXCOATLCAMAXTLI complex....
God name
Akkadian Or Martu are also names given in Akkadian and Sumerian texts to the god of the Amorite / Amurru people, often forming part of personal names. He is sometimes called Ilu Amurru. Sometimes described as a 'shepherd', and as a son of the sky-god Anu.
God name
Western Semitic mountain god. A minor consort of ATHIRAT whose attributes include a shepherd's crook and who was probably worshiped by herders. Known mainly from inscriptions. Also MARTU....
Goddess name
Pacific Goddess of rivers of ancestral knowledge, spiritual warriors, wisdom, instinct, determination and persistence. Very fond of salmon.
Goddess name
Egypt / Lower Chthonic underworld god. Minor deity in anthropomorphic form known from the Pyramid Texts. Identified with the ninth nome (district). Responsible for rebirth in the afterlife and regarded as a consort of several fertility goddesses. He was revered at Busiris where he clearly heralded the cult of Osiris. Attributes: high conical crown (similar to the atef crown of Osiris) decorated with two tall plumes, crook and flail. In early Pyramid Texts, the feathers are replaced by a bicornuate uterus.See also Osiris....
God name
Roman / British A Celtic epithet of the Sun-god Apollo recorded in a Romano-British inscription from South Shields, England. The form is a variant of Anextlomarus 'Great protector', a Divine style or name attested in a fragmentary Gallo-Roman dedication from Le Mans, France. Anextlomarus is also attested as a Gaulish man's father's name at Langres, and a feminine Divine form, Anextlomara, appears in two other Gallo-Roman dedications from Avenches, Switzerland. Roman / British
Goddess name
Roman Goddess of anguish, secrecy, silence and the Winter solstice. According to one clåśś of påśśages she is the goddess of anguish and fear, that is, the goddess who not only produces this state of mind, but also relieves men from it. Roman
God name
Egypt Minor god. Egypt
God name
Egypt Minor god. A deity whose mummy was allegedly kept at Tanis....
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