Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "AESIR" | Icelandic / Nordic | The major race of sky gods in Norse religion. The twelve Aesir gods are headed by OTHIN, the All-Father and probably are, in part, derived from a Germanic pantheon established in prehistory. The Aesir follow a common pattern whereby cultures establish a senior pantheon of great gods which usually number seven or twelve.... |
God name "Aegir" | Norse | The Norse god who presides over the stormy sea. He entertains the gods every harvest, and brews ale for them. |
God name "Aesir" | Germanic | Pantheon of the gods norse / germanic |
Goddess name "Alfhild" | Norse | Goddess of wrestling norse |
Supreme god name "Alfodr or Alfadir" | Norse | Alfodr or Alfadir [Father of all]. The name of Odin as the supreme god. Norse |
God name "Alfr" | Norse | An elf, fairy; a clåśś of beings like the dwarfs, between gods and men. They were of two kinds: elves of light (Ljosalfar) and elves of darkness (Dokkalfar). The abode of the elves is Alfheimr, fairy-land, and their king is the god Frey. Norse |
God name "Angeyja" | Norse | One of Heimdal's nine mothers. The Elder Edda says in the Lay of Hyndla : Nine giant maids gave birth to the gracious god, at the world's margin. These are: Gjalp, Greip, Eistla, Angeyja, Ulfrun, Eyrgjafa, Imd, Atla, and Jarnsaxa. Norse. |
God name "As" | Norse | Asa or Ass; plural ÆSIR. The asas, gods. The word appears in such English names as Osborn, Oswald, etc. With an n it is found in the Germ. Ansgar (Anglo-Sax. Oscar). The term aesir is used to distinguish Odin, Thor, etc., from the vanir (vans). Norse. |
Goddess name "Asynje" | Norse | Plural Asynjur. A goddess; feminine of Ass. Norse. |
Goddess name "Asynjur" | Norse | The goddesses of Asgard åśśociates of the Aesir and distinguished from the Vanir goddesses. Norse |
God name "Balder aka Baldr" | Norse | Baldaer. God of the summer-sunlight. He was son of Odin and Frigg; slain by Hoder, at the instigation of Loke. He returns after Ragnarok. His dwelling is Breidablik. Norse |
Goddess name "Blid" | Norse | Goddess of happiness. Norse |
Goddess name "Borghild" | Norse | Goddess of the moon norse |
God name "Bragi" | Norse | God of eloquence and wisdom. Norse |
God name "Bragi aka Brage" | Norse | The god of poetry. A son of Odin. He is the best of skalds. Norse |
God name "Brono" | Norse | God of light norse |
God name "Dagr" | Norse | The god of the daytime, a son of Delling (god of twilight) and Nott. Dagr, the Bright and the Fair, drove across the sky in a chariot every day, pulled by a horse named skinfaxi. Norse |
Goddess name "Disir" | Germanic | Collective name for guardian goddesses norse / germanic |