
List of Gods : "God Nus" - 182 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
Greek The sons and daughters of Uråñuś and Gaia and a race of godlike giants who were considered to be the personifications of the forces of nature. These Titans are Oceåñuś, Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Japetus, Cronus, Theia, Rheia, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, and Tethys, to whom Apollodorus adds Dione. (Theogony 133) Greek
God name
"Tlahuizcalaantecuhtli (lord of the dawn)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico God of the morning star (Venus). An incarnation or avatara of the god creator QUETZALCOATL and one of the group clåśśed as the Mixcoatl complex. The ruler of the twelfth of the thirteen heavens known at the time of the Spanish conquest, Teotl Tlatlauhcan (the place of the red god). In other traditions (described in codices Borgia and Vaticåñuś B) he is one of the four gods supporting the lowest heaven at each cardinal point; he resides in the east....
God name
Aztec Destructive god of the morning star (venus), dawn, and of the east. Aztec
God name
Roman Minor sea gods. The children of POSEIDON and AMPHITRITE who are depicted as hybrid fish-men. Generally included in the royal court of the god Neptune. Attributes: conches.See also NEPTUNUS....
God name
"Tvastar (carpenter)"
Hindu / Vedic Creator god. The “divine builder” who fashions living creatures on earth. The Hindu equivalent of the Roman god VulcanUS. An ADITYA or Sun god and the father of SARANYU. Attributes: homajakalika (an uncertain fire device), ladle and two lotuses. Also Tastar; Tvashtri; VISVAKARMAN....
God name
Indonesia The god of heaven, who fertilizes Upunusa, the earth. Indonesia
God name
Roman this minor god of påśśage was the guardian of the press first cry at birth
God name
Roman Minor god of påśśage. The guardian of the infant's first cry at birth....
Goddess name
Greek The goddess of love among the Romans, and more especially of sensual love. Previously to her identification with the Greek Aphrodite, she was one of the least important divinities in the religion of the Romans, and it is observed by the ancients themselves, that her name was not mentioned in any of the doçúɱents relating to the kingly period of Roman history.
Goddess name
"Venus Victrix"
Roman Venus, as goddess of victory, represented on numerous Roman coins.
Goddess name
"Venus/ Dion/ Cytherea"
Roman A goddess of love, beauty, springtime, vineyards
Goddess name
Roman Changer of the Heart, an attribute of Venus, the goddess who turns the hearts of men. Roman
God name
Roman A minor god of orchards & gardens, likely of of Etruscan origin his festival is beingVertumnalia on August 13th
God name
Roman Is said to have been an Etruscan divinity whose worship was introduced at Rome by an ancient Vulsinian colony. The name signifies "the god who changes or metamorphoses himself." For this reason the Romans connected Vertumnus with all occurrences to which the verb verto applies, such as the change of seasons, purchase and sale, the return of rivers to their proper beds,etc. But in reality the god was connected only with the transformation of plants, and their progress from being in blossom to that of bearing fruit. Roman
Goddess name
Roman Minor god of gardens and orchards. Of Etruscan origin, he is the consort of the goddess POMONA. Usually represented with garden implements and offered fruit and flowers. He was celebrated annually in the Vertumnalia festival on August 13....
Supreme god name
Etruscan Tutelary god. Originally a vegetation deity who was elevated to the position of supreme god in the Etruscan pantheon and known in Roman culture as VERTUMNUS....
God name
Sabine A river god of the waters, probably derived from a local Sabine regional cult.
God name
Greek The Roman smith god, identified with the Greek god Hephaestus. He was traditionally introduced to Rome by either Romulus or Titus Tatius. There were no specific legends concerning Vulcan but he played an important part in the success of various heroes by providing invincible armour for them. In Virgil's Aeneid, Vulcan made a superb suit of armour for Aeneas at Venus' request. He made a shield (called the Aegis) and thunderbolts for Jupiter and in return received Venus as his wife.
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