Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Maia" | Greco - Roman | Chthonic or earth goddess. Originally, in pre-Homeric times, a mountain spirit who subsequently became a minor consort of ZEUS. The Romans worshiped her as an obscure goddess of the plains who became briefly a consort of JUPITER, and they perceived her as the mother of the messenger god Mercury. Her cult was åśśociated with that of VulcanUS. Possibly the origin of the name of the month of May.See also MERCURIUS.... |
Goddess name "Medeine (of the trees)" | Pre - Christian Latvian | Woodland goddess. Known from medieval måñuścripts.... |
God name "Men Ascaenus" | Antioch / Asia Minor | A local tutelary god |
God name "Men Ascaenus" | Antioch - near - Pisidia | Local tutelary god. Possibly originating as a Persian moon god and known chiefly from a description by Strabo. He enjoyed a substantial cult including a temple some 1,200 meters above sea level. His symbol is the head of a bull above a crescent moon and wreath; it appears on local coinage circa AD 200. The popularity of the cult earned antagonism from the Roman occupation.See also MEN.... |
God name "Men Ascaenus Antioch" | Asia Minor | Local tutelary god Asia Minor |
Goddess name "Mictlantecuhtli" | Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico | Chthonic underworld god. The creator of the underworld, Mictlan. Depicted with a skull-like appearance and protruding teeth. Also one of a pair of deities with MICTECACIHUATL. In the primeval waters of the cosmos, they generated the monstrous goddess CIPACTLI, from whom the earth was formed. In alternative traditions he is the god of the sixth of the thirteen heavens, Ilhuicatl Mamalhuazocan (the heaven of the fire drill), or he is one of the gods who support the lowest heaven at the four cardinal points. Mictlantecuhtli is perceived to reside in the south (codices Borgia and Vaticåñuś B). He is also one of the four great temple deities (codices Borgia, Cospi and Fejervery-Mayer).... |
Goddess name "Mors" | Roman | Minor god of death. Mors replaces the Greek THANATOS and, according to legend, is one of the twin sons of NYX, goddess of the night. He lives in part of the remote cave occupied by SOMNUS, god of sleep, beside the river Lethe. Ovid depicts him as a hideous and cadaverous figure dressed in a winding sheet and holding a scythe and hour glåśś. Known particularly through Lacedaemonian culture where twin statues of Mors and Somnus were placed side by side.... |
God name "Murcury" | Greek | The name Mercury is connected with the root merx (merchandise) and mercari (to deal, trade). The early Romans, being above all countrymen, had no need for a god of commerce. The Roman Mercury appeared only about the fifth century BCE. and was exclusively the god of merchants. For long he was known only in this capacity so that Plautus, in his prologue to Amphitryon, reminds his audience that Mercury presided over messages and commerce. Like certain other minor divinities - Pecunia, Aesculåñuś, Argentinus - he watched over tradesmen's profits. Greek |
God name "Mutinus" | Roman | A minor fertility god of, strongly ityphallic & invoked by women wanting to bear children |
God name "Mutinus" | Roman | Minor fertility god. Depicted as strongly ithyphallic and invoked by women seeking to bear children.... |
Goddess name "Nana" | Anglo-Saxon | Nanna. A pan-cultural cognomen. "Her place as queen of heaven goes back to remote antiquity. She is Venus and appears as Ashtarte (or Easter in the Anglo-Saxon), Nana and Anunitu. She is goddess of fertility and worshipped everywhere. She is daughter of Sin and also of Anu. She is also åśśociated with Sirius. She is goddess of sex and appropriates the attributes of Ninlil and Damkina and as daughter of Sin and from her descent to Hades she is represented by temple prostitution. The lion, normally the symbol of Shamash is åśśociated with her as is the dove. In this sequence, she becomes then åśśociated with Tammuz or Dumuzi, as the bringer of new life in the spring cults." The Golden Calf |
Goddess name "Nemesis" | Greco - Roman | Goddess of justice and revenge. The dreaded deity who, with the Furies, is responsible for transporting the souls of the guilty to Tartarus. She is also described as the deification of indignation. Her presence may be symbolized by the fabulous winged griffon. Her cult was predominantly at Rhamnus (Attica), where a magnificent temple was built in her honor in the fifth century BC, and in Smyrna. She also had a temple at Iconium in Asia Minor. According to legend, ZEUS raped her and she bore HELEN in consequence. In certain respects she provides a parallel with the goddess ERINYS. Her cult became one of morality.... |
God name "Neptune/ Neptunus" | Italy / Roman | A god of irrigation |
Planet name "Neptunus" | Italic / Roman | God of irrigation. Identified with the planet Neptune, but thought to have originated as an agricultural deity concerned with watering. He was celebrated in the festival of Neptunalia on July 23. Also the patron deity of horseracing. He became syncretized with the Greek god POSEIDON, but Neptune's modern åśśociation with the sea is a misrepresentation.... |
God name "Nethu s" | Etruscan | God of fresh water. Identified with wells and springs and depicted as a naked bearded figure. He is probably to be equated with the Roman god NEPTUNUS.... |
God name "Nicaea" | Greek | A nymph, the daughter of the river-god Sangarius and Cybele. A påśśionate huntress of exquisite beauty, she was beloved by a shepherd, Hymnus, who followed her and watched her closely. She finally became angry and shot him with one of her arrows. Greek |
God name "Nilus" | Greek | The god of the river Nile in Egypt, is said to have been a son of Oceåñuś and Thetys, and father of Memphis and Chione. Pindar calls him a son of Cronos. Greek |
God name "Nus ku" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian | God of light. The son of ENLIL. Also a god of fire, he is symbolized by a lamp. Sanctuaries have been identified at Harran and Neirab.... |