Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "Phorkys" | Greek | A Minor sea god noted by Hesiod |
God name "Pontos" | Greek | God of the sea. His mother and consort is GAIA and he is the father of the sea gods NEREUS and PHORKYS.... |
God name "Phorkys" | Greek | Minor sea god. According to Hesiod, he is the son of PONTOS and GAIA. The consort of a sea-serpent, Keto, and the father of the Gorgons and Graii. Also Phorkos.... |
God name "Proteus" | Greek | Minor sea god. Depicted as an old man who attends Triton and whose principal concern is the creatures of the oceans. He also has oracular powers. The poet cowper wrote: In ages past old Proteus, with his droves Of sea calves sought the mountains and the groves. Also known as GLAUKOS, NEREUS and PHORKYS.... |