
List of Gods : "God Pre" - 687 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
Pre - Islamic northern Arabian Local tutelary god. Known from inscriptions at Bostra [near Damascus]. The name implies an altar or holy place, but its Arabic root also means to dye, suggesting that the altars were stained with the blood of sacrifices, probably children....
God name
"ADAD (wind)"
Mesopotamian / Babylonian - Akkadian weather god. His father is the supreme sky god ANU. He is described as a benevolent giver of life in the fields but is also a more violent storm god. His name in Akkadian cuneiform means “wind.” His animal is the bull. In human form he is depicted wearing horned headdress and tiered skirt or robe decorated with astral symbolism. He may carry a scimitar embellished with a single panther head and his symbol is the lightning fork often fixed upon a pair of pincers....
God name
Icelandic / Nordic The major race of sky gods in Norse religion. The twelve Aesir gods are headed by OTHIN, the All-Father and probably are, in part, derived from a Germanic pantheon established in prehistory. The Aesir follow a common pattern whereby cultures establish a “senior” pantheon of great gods which usually number seven or twelve....
God name
Nabataean / Arabic The creator god of Islam. Perceived in preIslamic times as the creator of the earth and water. Named by the prophet Muhammad as the one true god and given a hundred names or epithets in the Qur'an, ninety-nine of which are known to mankind and accounted on the rosary beads; the final name remains a mystery. No representation of Allah is made in art....
Supreme god name
Shinto / Japan Supreme god. he highest deity of the Shinto pantheon and the first to emerge in Takama-No-Hara (the plain of high heaven) when heaven and earth were fashioned. He was born alone, resides in the ninth heaven and has always hidden himself from mortal eyes. A remote and vague figure of whom no images are ever made and toward whom no cult is directed. His name only appears once in the Kojiki and never in the Nihongi. Originally his identity may have been strongly influenced by Chinese religion. His name is linked closely with those of two other lesser primordial beings, TAKA-MI-MISUBI-NO-KAMI and KAMI-MISUBI-NO-KAMI....
God name
Egypt Supreme creator god. Amun is a Sun god, lord of the sky and king of the Egyptian world....
God name
"AN (1) (sky)"
Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Iraq Supreme creator god. In Sumerian creation mythology An is the supreme being and, with his chthonic female principle, KI, is the founder of the cosmos. Also, in some texts, identified as the son of ANS'AR and KIS'AR. The head of the older generation of gods....
God name
Egypt Sun god and creator god. Atum is generally represented in human form and often wears a crown which combines those of Upper and Lower Egypt. He is represented as various animals including the bull, lion, snake and lizard. Atum was regarded as the progenitor of the Egyptian pharaohs. Both Atum and Re are represented by a Divine black bull, Mnevis or Mer-wer, wearing the Sun disc and uraeus or snake between its horns. It acts as an intercessor between the Sun god and his priests in Heliopolis....
Goddess name
"AVALOKITESVARA (merciful lord)"
Buddhist / India Bodhisattva or buddhadesignate. One of the most important deities of the Mahayana sect of Buddhism. In Lamaism he is the tutelary god of Tibet. He equates with VIS NU in Hinduism and bears links with PADMAPANI. In cosmic mythology he is a creator deity. Color: white or red. Attributes: blue lotus, image of Amitabha (topmost pyramidal head), lotus, rosary, sword and water jar. NOTE: in Chinese Buddhism he is represented by the goddess Kuan-Tin, and in Japanese by KWANNON....
God name
Efik The creator god of the Nigerian Efik people. On the suggestion of his wife Atai Abåśśi created the first humans; to prevent them from exceed his wisdom, he ordered the first humans to neither procreate nor labor. This prohibition lasted some time, but eventually the first couple did have children and work, for which crime Abåśśi slew them and set their children against each other.
Spirit name
Pre - Islamic northern Arabian (1) Desert god. Known from the Palmyrian desert regions as a tutelary god of Bedouins and camel drivers.(2) Minor attendant spirits. Mesopotamian (Sumerian). Associated with ENKI and residing in the Abzu or primeval water....
God name
"Abraham aka Avraham"
Arabic Ashkenazi, Avrohom, Avruhom, regarded as the founding patriarch of the Israelites and of the Arabic people in Jewish, Christian and Islamic tradition. In that tradition, Abraham is brought by God from his home in the ancient city of Ur into a new land, Canaan, where he enters into a covenant: in exchange for sole recognition of Yahweh as supreme universal authority.
Goddess name
"Aditi . Adithi"
Hindu a goddess of the sky, consciousness, the past, the future and fertility. References to her pre-date history. Hindu
Goddess name
Roman A goddess of prophecy invoked by pregnant women
God name
Norse The Norse god who presides over the stormy sea. He entertains the gods every harvest, and brews ale for them.
God name
Greek God of storms and winds. One of the sons of POSEIDON, said to have presented the winds in a leather bag to the hero Odysseus, and to have given the sail to seafarers. According to legend his home was the Aeolian Island [Lipari Island]. In one legend he is married to EOS and is the father of six sons, the various directional winds. The hexagonal Temple of winds, on each side of which is depicted a flying figure of one of the winds, and which is dedicated to Aeolos, still stands at Athens....
Goddess name
"Aequitas aka Aecetia"
Roman Was the goddess of fair trade and honest merchants. Like Abundantia, she is depicted with a cornucopia, representing wealth from commerce. Roman
Goddess name
"Aericura aka Erecura"
Roman / Celtic Herecura, Eracura, was a goddess worshipped in ancient times, often thought to be Celtic in origin, mostly represented with the attributes of Proserpina and åśśociated with the Roman underworld god Dis Pater. Roman / Celtic
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