
List of Gods : "God Pre" - 687 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
Pre - Islamic southern Arabian Tutelary astral god. Worshiped by the Saba tribe, his sacred animal is the bull. Attributes include lightning bolts and a sinuate weapon....
God name
Greece Alpheus as man. Hunting in the Forests of Greece, Alpheus saw Artemis and desired her. Alpheus as a river (present Alfeios River) and river-god, thus like most river-gods a son of Oceåñuś and Tethys.
Goddess name
Mesopotamian / BabylonianAkkadian Fertility goddess. Mentioned in prebend doçúɱents from the Hellenistic period at Uruk and thought to be the consort of the god PAPSUKKAL....
Goddess name
"Amaunet (the hidden one)"
Egypt / Upper Fertility goddess. Amaunet seems to have a taken a role as an early consort of AMUN, one of the eight deities of the OGDOAD and representing hidden power. In that context she is depicted anthropomorphically but with the head of a snake. She is shown in reliefs and as the subject of a notable statue from the Record Hall of Tuthmosis III at the Karnak complex of Thebes, where she was recognized as a benign protective deity especially called on at times of royal accession. As a fertility goddess she was largely eclipsed by the goddess MUT. She is sometimes equated with NEITH, the creator goddess of Sais, and her attributes may include the red crown of the Delta....
Supreme god name
Peru Goddess of the sky and the wife of Niparaja, the omnipotent supreme god and creator of heaven and earth. Peru
Goddess name
India Goddess of the earth, one of the deities of Pre-Aryan race, which Aryans absorbed in their pantheon. India
God name
Japan / Shinto Star god identified with the Pole-star, is believed to guard the land and to prevent disasters, and more particularly to cure eye-diseases. Japan / Shinto
God name
"Ame-Waka-Hiko (heavenly young prince)"
Shinto / Japan God. According to tradition he was sent to earth on a vital mission but became preoccupied with a number of mortal women, forgot his purpose and did not report back to heaven. His punishment was to be slain by an arrow fired from the “heavenly true deer bow.”...
God name
Buddhist / India The boddhisattva of 'infinite light'. Amithba represents the primordial, self-existent Buddha. This god was born from a lotus and ceaselessly stretches out aid to the weak and faltering. Amithba became a popular way of salvation for many Buddhists because he was the archetype of compåśśion, gentle and easygoing.
God name
Pre - Islamic southern Arabian moon god. The tutelary deity of the Qataban tribe. Also revered as a weather god. Attributes include lightning bolts....
Goddess name
Africa Creator god. He first created the Sun from a clay pot and coils of copper and the moon using a clay pot and bråśś. Black people were created from Sunlight and white from moonlight. He then proceeded to cirçúɱsise the earth goddess, whose çlïtořïś was an anthill and their first offspring was a jackal. She then got pregnant by Rain and produced plants. He then became the father of mankind. Dogon Mali, West Africa
Supreme god name
Dogon The supreme god
Goddess name
"Amma (2)"
Dogon / Mali, West Africa Creator god. He first created the Sun by baking a clay pot until it was white hot and coiling a band of copper around it eight times. He created the moon in similar fashion but used bråśś. Black people were created from Sunlight and white from moonlight. Later, having cirçúɱcised the earth goddess, whose çlïtořïś was an anthill, he impregnated her and produced the first creature, a jackal. Next he fertilized her with Rain to engender plant life and finally became the father of mankind....
Goddess name
Greek According to Hesiod (Theogony) and Apollodorus a Nereid, though in other places Apollodorus calls her an Oceanid. She is represented as the wife of Poseidon and the goddess of the sea (the Mediterranean), and she is therefore a kind of female Poseidon.
Goddess name
Greek Sea goddess. According to Theogony (Hesiod), one of the fifty daughters of NEREUS and DORIS. Considered to calm stormy seas, traveling in a boat made of mussels. She was among those present at the birth of APOLLO....
Goddess name
Persian / Iran Fertility goddess. Her influence extended through eastern Europe. In pre-Christian Armenia, the center of her cult was at Acilisena where noble families regularly surrendered their daughters to service as cultic prostitutes....
Goddess name
Greek Goddess of destiny. Considered to be a universal presence. Depicted holding a spindle....
Goddess name
Siberia / Koryak Little Grandmother Goddess who presides over birth and reincarnation Koryak
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