Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Bel" | Akkadian | Bel became especially used of the Babylonian god Marduk and when found in Assyrian and neo-Babylonian personal names or mentioned in inscriptions in Mesoptamian context it can usually be taken as referring to Marduk and no other god. Similarly Belit without some disambiguation mostly refers to Bel Marduk's spouse Sarpanit. However Marduk's mother, the Sumerian goddess called Ninhursag, Ningal and Ninmah and other names in Sumerian, was often known as Belit-ili 'Lady of the Gods' in Akkadian. |
Goddess name "Belet-Seri/ Belitsari" | Babylon / Akkadia | The underworld goddess that kept track of the dead coming through |
Goddess name "Beltiya (my lady)" | Mesopotamian / Babylonian - Akkadian | Generic title of goddess. ZARPANITUM (SARPANITUM), the consort of the Babylonian god MARDUK, is often addressed as Beltiya.... |
Goddess name "Benten-San" | Shinto / Japan | Goddess of luck. One of seven deities clåśśed as gods of fortune and the only goddess in the group. A popular deity with many sanctuaries dedicated to her, she is a patron of music and holds a biwa instrument in her hand. Snakes, believed to stand for jealousy, are often coiled around her statues. Because of this, married couples are reluctant to visit her shrines together. Her priesthood is both Shinto and Buddhist and she is closely linked with the goddess SARASVATI.... |
Goddess name "Bhadra (auspicious)" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | Minor goddess. Attendant of SIVA. Generally seated. Attributes: blue lotus, fruit, rosary and trident.... |
Goddess name "Bharati" | Hindu / Vedic / Epic | Is the first of the three great goddesses of Hinduism, the other two being Lakshmi and Durga. Saraswati is the consort of Lord Brahma, the Creator. Hindu / Vedic / Epic |
Goddess name "Bharati" | Hindu / Vedic, Epic / Puranic | Minor goddess of sacrifices. She is invoked to appear on the sacrificial field before a ritual. Usually åśśociated with the goddess SARASVATI. Also regarded as a consort of GANESA.... |
Goddess name "Bhrkuti-Tara (she who frowns)" | Buddhist - Lamaist / Tibet | Mother goddess. In Lamaism particularly, a cruel form of TARA, the mother of the BUDDHA. The so-called yellow Tara. An emanation of AMITABHA. Also identified as a female BODHISATTVA or buddha-designate. Color: yellow. Attribute: image of Amitabha, lotus, rosary, staff, trident and water jar. Threeeyed. Also JANGULI and VAJRATARA.... |
Goddess name "Brahmahii" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | Mother goddess. A SAKTI who in later Hinduism became one of the group of eight ASTAMATARAS or mothers. In another grouping one of nine NAVASAKTIS or mothers. She is attended by a goose and wears a yellow robe. Attributes: Book, label, rosary, trident and water jar. Also Brahmi.... |
Goddess name "Brhaspati (lord of prayer)" | Hindu / Vedic, Epic / Puranic | Astral god. The personification of the planet Jupiter. In Vedic texts he appears as a priest. The son of Angiras and the guru of the later Hindu pantheon. Considered to be almost identical with BRAHMA. His consort is the goddess TARA and his son is Kaca. He rides in a chariot drawn by eight horses. Color: golden yellow. Attributes: arrow, ax (golden), Book, bow, rosary, staff and water jar.... |
Planet name "Budha (awakening)" | Hindu / Vedic, Epic / Puranic | (1) Astral god. The personification of the planet Mercury. The son of SOMA (CANDRA) and TARA or ROHINI. Depicted in a chariot drawn by eight horses or lions (sometimes a single lion). Color: yellow. Attributes: bow, club, rosary, shield and sword. Also Candraja and Candrasuta. 2. Astral god. Buddhist. The personification of the planet Mercury. Stands on a lotus. Attributes: bow and arrow.... |
Spirit name "CERNUNNOS" | Celtic, Gallic | Fertility and chthonic god. Cernunnos appears to have been recognized in the region of Gaul which is now central France. He is typically drawn as a man bearing the antlers of a stag, not necessarily representing an animal spirit but a deity closely involved with animals and one which can transform instantly into animal shape. In the Celtic world, horns and antlers were generally regarded as symbols of virility and fertility.... |
Goddess name "Cakresvari (lady of the cakra)" | Jain / India | Goddess of learning. One of sixteen VIDYADEVI headed by the goddess SARASVATI. Also one of the twenty-four SASANADEVATA or messenger goddesses.... |
God name "Candesvara (the lord of Canda)" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | Minor god. A benevolent aspect of S IVA. Also an attendant on S iva, said to have been a youthful cowherd. He sits on a lotus throne. Attributes: arrow, ax, bow, club, crown, hatchet, noose, rosary, snake, trident and water jar.... |
Goddess name "Dhanada" | Buddhist / Mahayana | Goddess. One of the emanations of the DHYANIBUDDHA AMOGHASIDDHI, also a form of the goddess TARA. She sits upon a moon throne with an unnamed animal in attendance. Color: green. Attributes: Book, blue lotus, image of Amoghasiddhi, noose and rosary.... |
Deities name "Dhara (supporting)" | Hindu / Puranic | Attendant god. One of a group of eight VASU deities answering to the god INDRA. Attributes: lotus, plough, rosary and spear.... |
Goddess name "Dhatar (creator)" | Hindu / Puranic | Sun god. An original Vedic list of six descendants of the goddess ADITI or Adityas, all of whom take the role of Sun gods was, in later times, enlarged to twelve, including Dhatar. Color: golden. Attributes: two lotuses, lotus rosary and waterjar. Also Dhatr.... |
Deities name "Dhruva (immovable)" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | Astral god. The son of Uttanapada, a star in the constellation of Ursa Minor which was the pole star in the last millennium BC. An avatara of V IS NU. Also one of a group of Vasu deities answering to the god INDRA. In different context, the description of a kind of fixed icon. Attributes: prayer wheel, rosary, spear and water jar.... |