Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Dirona aka Sirona" | Gaul | Serona, Sarona, Dirona, Sthirona. The Star Goddess of Gaul |
Goddess name "Disa" | Hindu | In minor goddess and the momma of the minor creation god Sarga Hindu / Puranic / Epic |
Goddess name "Disa (the ten directions of space)" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | Goddess. Consort of SI IVA in his terrible aspect of BHIMA and mother of the minor god Sarga (creation).... |
God name "Dusara" | Semitic | Local god åśśociated with vegetation and fertility survived until about 500 BCE. Semitic |
God name "Dusara (the one' of s'ara)" | Western Semitic / Nabataean | Local tutelary god. Associated with vegetation and fertility in the Hauran region from about 312 BC until circa AD 500. Regarded as a supreme deity, comparable to BAAL S AMIN, who never achieved Dus ara's popularity among the nomadic Nabataeans, for whom farming was precarious. He was represented by a black obelisk at Petra. Sacred animals are the eagle and panther. Attributes include a vine stem. In Hellenic times he was the subject of inscriptions at Delos and Miletus and he was equated with DIONYSOS. Also Dus ares; Dus-S ara.... |
God name "Eimesarra" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian | Chthonic god of the law. According to texts he controls the me's or Divine rules.... |
God name "Ekadasaruda" | Hindu | Collective name for the group of gods (11) they are forms of the god Rudra Hindu |
God name "Ekadasarudra" | Hindu | Collective name for a group of gods. The eleven forms of the god RUDRA, each typically represented with sixteen arms. Common attributes include ax, moon disc and tiger skin.... |
God name "Enmesarra" | Mesopotamia / Sumeria / Babylon / Akkadia | The god of law |
Deities name "Ennead" | Egypt / Lower | The Heliopolis pantheon. The nine major deities enumerated and given their genealogy by the priesthood of Heliopolis, the center of the Sun-worshiping cult in Lower Egypt. Comprising the Sun god ATUM (or Atum-Re) and his offspring, S U, TEFNUT, GEB, NUT, OSIRIS, ISIS, SETH and NEPHTHYS. Other Egyptian cult centers possessed similar pantheons though not necessarily including the same list of deities. Thus, for example, the god PTAH presided at Thebes.... |
Goddess name "Eseasar" | Africa | Goddess of the earth. Africa |
Goddess name "Esmun" | Western Semitic / Phoenician | God of healing. Known first from the Iron Age levels at Sidon, his cult spread as far as Carthage, Cyprus and Sardinia. Possibly became syncretized with the god MELQART and, in Hellenic times, with the physician god ASKLEPIOS. His name further became linked with the mother goddess CAELESTIS.... |
God name "Faro" | Bambara / Mali, West Africa | River god. Regarded as the deity who brought order to the world at the time of creation. He impregnated himself and gave birth to twins who were the first human beings. He is also the progenitor of fish stocks in the river Niger. His chief adversary is the god of the desert wind, TELIKO. Faro is propitiated annually by a Komo society of men in a ritual of dancing. They use a special mask which is created anew each year. According to legend Faro came to earth after a long period of drought during which most of the living things died. He also gave mankind the gift of speech.... |
Goddess name "Futo-Tama" | Shinto / Japan | Ancestral god. A significant deity in mythology because he took part in the divination and ritual necessary before the process of drawing the Sun goddess AMATERASU out of her cave could begin. He collected together various magical objects, pushed forward the perfect Divine mirror, recited the sacred liturgy and begged Amaterasu never again to hide her face. The guardian of Prince NINIGI, ancestor of the imperial dynasty, Futo-Tama is more specifically the ancestor of the Imba clan in Japan.... |
Goddess name "Gandhari (of Ghandhara)" | Jain / India | Goddess of learning. One of sixteen SASANADEVATAS headed by the goddess SARASVATI. May also be a VIDYADEVI.... |
God name "Ganymedes" | Greek | According to Homer and others, he was a son of Tros by Calirrhoe, and a brother of Ilus and Assaracus. Being the most beautiful of all mortals, he was carried off by the gods that he might fill the cup of Zeus, and live among the eternal gods. Greek |
Demon name "Garuda (the devourer)" | Hindu / Vedic | Archaic Sun god and Divine vehicle. Originally depicted as a solar deity, Garuda evolved into a bird-like human hybrid who became the deified mount of VIS'NU. Also a chief adversary of nagas (snake-like demons), which he devours. In early depictions Garuda has a parrot's beak. Said to have been born from an egg, the son of Vinata and KASYAPA. Epithets include Amrtaharana, Garutman, Tarksya. Attributes: conch, club, lotus and nectar, but may also bear the attributes of Vis'nu.(2) Mount or vahana of VAJRAPANI. Buddhist. Attributes: flower, horse-head, noose, skin and staff. Three-eyed and three-headed.... |
God name "Gaunab" | Khoi / Hottentot / Namibia, southern Africa | Malevolent god of darkness. The chief adversaryof the creator god TSUNIGOAB. He was engaged in a primordial struggle for supremacy during which Tsunigoab was wounded but eventually triumphed, consigning Gaunab to the so-called black heaven.... |