Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Gauri (whitish brilliant)" | Hindu / Vedic / Puranic | (1) Goddess. Consort of the god VARUNA, said to have been created at the churning of the ocean of milk. An epithet of PARVATI as a goddess of the corn. Also a SAKTI of Mahesvara, a minor aspect of S IVA. Her attendant animal is a lion or a wolf. Attributes: fish, Forest garland, image of GANESA, lotus, mirror, rosary, trident and water jar. Three-eyed. Also Varuni.(2) Goddess. Buddhist. One of eight GAURIS of terrible appearance. Attributes: head and noose.(3) Messenger goddess. Jain [India]. A SASANADEVATA. Also one of sixteen VIDYADEVIS or goddesses of learning headed by SARASVATI. Color: white. Attribute: a hook.... |
God name "Harendotes [Greek]" | Egypt | Form of the god HORUS. Under this name, Horus specifically guards and protects his father OSIRIS in death. He thus becomes åśśociated with sarcophagi and appears frequently in coffin texts. Also Har-nedj-itef (Egyptian).... |
God name "Haubas/ Hobas" | SArabia | A god that may be a particular form of Attar |
God name "Haukim" | SArabia | A local god thought to be concerned with arbitration & the law |
Demon name "Hayagriva (horse neck)" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | (1) The most significant minor incarnation of the god VIS'NU. He probably originated as a horse god and later became an avatara åśśociated with wisdom and knowledge. At the behest of BRAHMA, Hayagriva rescued the Vedas, stolen by two demons, from the bottom of the primeval ocean. Depicted in human form with the head of a horse and, according to the texts, eight hands. Attributes: Book (Veda), horse's mane and rosary. Also the attributes of Vis'nu. Also Hayasirsa, Vadavavaktra.(2) Patron god of horses. Buddhist-Lamaist [Tibet]. One of a group of DHARMAPALA with terrible appearance and royal attire, he is considered to be an emanation of AKSOBHYA or AMITABHA. His SAKTI is MARICI. Color: red. Attributes: horse heads, staff and trident, but also arrow, ax, banner, bow, club, flames, flower, image of Aksobhya or Amitabha on the crown, lotus, noose, prayer wheel, skin, snakes, sword and trident. Three-eyed.... |
God name "Hazzi" | Hittite / Hurrian | mountain god. Invoked in Hittite treaties as a deity responsible for oaths. A deity of the same name was worshiped by the Hurrians, but not necessarily in the same context.... |
God name "Hermus" | Roman | River god. A sanctuary has been identified at Sardis.... |
Goddess name "Hetepes-Sekhus" | Egypt | Chthonic underworld goddess. A minor deity accompanied by a retinue of crocodiles. As one of the manifestations of the vengeful eye of RE, she destroys the souls of the adversaries of the underworld ruler OSIRIS. Depicted as a cobra or anthropomorphically with a cobra's head.... |
Goddess name "Hotr(a) (invoker)" | Hindu / Vedic | Minor goddess of sacrifices. She is invoked to appear on the sacrificial field before a ritual and is particularly identified with the act of prayer. Usually åśśociated with the goddess SARASVATI.... |
Goddess name "Hours" | Egypt | underworld goddesses. The twelve daughters of the Sun god RE. They act in concert against the adversaries of Re and control the destiny of human beings in terms of each person's life span, reflecting the supremacy of order and time over chaos. The Hours are sometimes represented on the walls of royal tombs in anthropomorphic form with a five-pointed star above the head. Also Horae (Greek).... |
Goddess name "Ila" | Hindu / Vedic | Minor god(dess) of sacrifices. She is invoked to appear on the sacrificial field before a ritual. Usually åśśociated with the goddess SARASVATI, Ila is linked with the sacred cow and her epithets include butter-handed and butter-footed.... |
Goddess name "Indrani" | Hindu / Vedic / Puranic | Goddess of wrath. Daughter of Puloman, a demonic figure killed by the god INDRA, and the SAKTI and consort of Indra. One of seven MATARAS (mothers) who in later Hinduism became regarded as of evil intent. Also one of a group of eight ASTAMATARAS personifying jealousy (also named Aindri in this capacity). In another grouping one of nine NAVASAKTIS or astral deities who, in southern India, rank higher than the SAPTAMATARAS. Her attendant animal is either an elephant or a lion. Attributes: hook, rosary, Santana flower, staff and waterjar. One thousand-eyed. Also Aindri; Mahendri; Paulomi; Saci; Sujata.... |
Goddess name "Isara" | Semitic | Goddess of marriage and childbirth who dealt with the enforcement of oaths. Semitic |
God name "Jayanta (victorious)" | Hindu / Vedic / Puranic | God. One of the sons of INDRA, and one of the eleven EKADASARUDRAS or forms of the god RUDRA. Attributes: arrow, ax, bow, club, cup, drum, hammer, hook, prayer wheel, rosary, spear, trident and waterjar.... |
Goddess name "Kali (2)" | Jain | Goddess of learning. One of sixteen headed by the goddess SARASVATI.... |
God name "Kapali (wearing skulls)" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | God. One of the group of eleven EKADASARUDRAS or forms of RUDRA.... |
God name "Karkota" | Hindu | Snake god. One of a group of seven MAHANAGAS. Color: black. Attributes: rosary and waterjar. Three-eyed god.... |
Goddess name "Khnum" | Egypt / Upper | Chthonic or earth god. Said to create human life on a potter's wheel but strictly at the behest of creator deities. He is usually seated before a potter's wheel on which stands a naked figure in the process of molding. The Khnum cult was principally directed from sanctuaries at Esna, north of the first Nile cataract, and at Elephantine where mummified rams covered with gold leaf and buried in stone sarcophagi have been discovered. Khnum supervises the annual Nile flood, which is physically generated by the god HAPY. His consort at Esna is the goddess Menhyt. Khnum is also described at other sites as the BA or soul of various deities including GEB and OSIRIS. Depicted anthropomorphically or with the head of a ram.... |