Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Supreme god name "Ilem" | Siberian | 'One who cannot speak'. The supreme God of the Siberian Ostiaks. |
Goddess name "Zonget" | Siberia | A Mansi nature goddess. Siberia |
Supreme god name "Mayin" | Tungus / Siberia | A benevolent, remote, supreme God |
God name "Sakhadai Noin" | Siberia | A god of fire |
God name "Keret'kun/ Keretkun" | Chukchee / Siberia | A god of the sea |
Goddess name "Poza Mama" | Siberian | A goddess of the hearth fire |
God name "Hinkon" | Tungus / Siberia | A hunting god as the controller of all animals |
God name "Khadau" | Hindu | A pair of wooden sandles once worn by the hindu god Ram. Bharat placed them symbolically on Ayodhya's throne. Amur, Siberia |
Goddess name "Aba khatun" | Baikal / Siberia | A sea goddess |
Goddess name "Cinei" | Chukchi / Siberia | A sea goddess |
Goddess name "Cinei-new" | Siberia / Chukchee | A sea goddess and wife of Peruten, god of the sea. Siberia / Chukchee |
God name "Yayutsi" | Siberia | After ascending through several heavens in visionary consciousness, the shaman converses with the creator god Yayutsi and also bows before the moon and Sun in turn. Finally, at the celestial abode of bai Ulgan, the shaman learns details of future weather patterns and the outcome of the harvest. The shaman then collapses in a state of ecstatic release. The Altai, Siberia |
God name "Lebien-Poghl" | Yukaghir / Siberia | Animistic owner god & chief protector of the earth |
God name "Lebien-Poghl Yukaghir" | Siberia | Animistic owner god and chief protector of the earth Siberia |
Supreme god name "Mayin Tungus" | Siberia | Benevolent, remote, supreme god Siberia |
God name "Es Ket" | Siberia | Creator god who fashioned humans from clay. Siberia |
God name "Es" | Ket / Siberian | Creator god. Described as an old man with a long black beard, he fashioned the first humans from clay. Those tossed from his right hand became men, and those from his left became women.... |
God name "Ne'nenkicex" | Kamchadal / southeastern Siberia | Creator god. The name given to the Christian god by the Kamchadals under influence of the Russian Orthodox church.... |