Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "Dharmadhatuvagisvara" | Buddhist | God of the law. A variety of MANJUSRI and therefore an emanation of AMITABHA. Color: reddish-white. Attributes: arrow, bell, Book, bow, hook, image of Amitabha on crown, staff, sword and water jar. Depicted with four heads and setting the law wheel in motion.... |
Goddess name "Diana" | Greek / Roman | A goddess of childbirth, chastity, virginity, fertility, hunting, the moon & the sky |
Goddess name "Dilwica" | Slavic | Goddess of hunting Slavic |
Goddess name "Dorina" | Nigeria | Goddess of hunting. Nigeria |
Deities name "Dsahadoldza (fringe mouth)" | Navaho / USA | Chthonic god of earth and water. A number of deities are known under this title. The priest impersonating the god has one side of his body painted red and the other side black. He wears a buckskin mask painted with a horizontal yellow band to represent the evening sky and eight vertical black stripes to represent Rain.... |
Goddess name "Egeria" | Roman | Fertility goddess. deity of oak trees whose priestess enacted an annual sacred marriage with the king of Rome, who took the part of JUPITER. The festival is a variation of that celebrating the marriage of ZEUS and HERA which took place in Athens. A number of springs and lakes were sacred to her.... |
Deities name "Ehecatl" | Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico | Creator god. The Sun deity representing the second of the five world ages, each of which lasted for 2028 heavenly years, each heavenly year being fifty-two terrestrial years. Assigned to the air or wind and presided over by QUETZALCOATL, to whose complex of deities he belongs. According to tradition, the age ended in a cataclysmic destruction caused by hurricanes. All humanity turned into monkeys. Illustrated by the Stone of the Four Suns [Yale Peabody Museum]. Also (4) Ehecatl; Ehecatonatiuh.... |
God name "Ek Chuah" | Mayan / Mesoamerican / Mexico | God of merchants. Also the deity responsible for the cacao crop. (The cacao bean was traditionally the standard currency throughout Mesoamerica.) Probably of Putun origin, he is typically depicted painted black, except for a red area around the lips and chin. He has a distinctive downwardly projecting lower lip, horseshoe shapes around each eye and a highly elongated nose. He may also bear a scorpion's tail. Other attributes include a carrying strap in his headdress and sometimes a pack on his back. Also God M.... |
God name "Elagabal (lord of the mountain)" | Syrian | Local tutelary god. Probably originating as a mountain deity with strong solar links. His sacred animal is the eagle. His cult was based on the town of Emesa [Homs], where he was worshiped in the form of a dome-shaped, black stone obelisk. His name became Hellenized as Heliogabalos.... |
Deities name "Elim" | Judaic | Collective term for gods. Found in the Vetus Testamentum and distinguishing the lower order of gods from the great deities, ELOHIM.... |
Deities name "Elohim" | Judaic | Collective term for gods. Found in the Vetus Testamentum and distinguishing the higher order of great gods from the minor deities, ELIM. Also applied to the Israelite god YHWH.... |
God name "Enlil" | Sumeria | God of air and weather. One of four Sumerian creating gods. Sumeria |
God name "Erkilek" | Inuit | Malevolent hunting god. Inuit |
God name "Erkilek" | Inuit / North America | Hunting god. A malev olent deity with the head and nose of a dog and the body of a man. He carries a bow, with arrows contained in a quiver, and is an expert archer.... |
God name "Eros" | Greek | In Latin, Amor or Cupido, the god of love. In the sense in which he is usually conceived, Eros is the creature of the later Greek poets; and in order to understand the ancients properly we must distinguish three Erotes: viz. the Eros of the ancient cosmogonies, the Eros of the philosophers and mysteries, who bears great resemblance to the first, and the Eros whom we meet with in the epigrammatic and erotic poets, whose witty and playful descriptions of the god, however, can scarcely be considered as a part of the ancient religious belief of the Greeks. Greek |
God name "Eshu" | Yoruba / Nigeria, West Africa | Itinerant god. An ancient deity regarded as the attendant and messenger of the creator god OLODUMARE. He påśśes among mortal people åśśessing character and meting out punishment. Devotees are identified by necklaces of black or brown beads.... |
God name "Esus aka Essus" | Gaul | God of boatmen, fond of cutting branches from trees with his axe. Gaul |
Goddess name "Evaki" | Bakairi | Goddess of the night and day who places the Sun in a pot every night and moves the Sun back to its starting point in the east every day. Bakairi |