Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Harti" | Japan / China | demoness whom Buddha converted to a goddess who protects children instead of eating them. Japan / China |
God name "Haruspex" | Roman | Persons who interpreted the will of the gods by inspecting the entrails of animals offered in sacrifice. Cato said, "I wonder how one haruspex can keep from laughing when he sees another." Roman |
God name "Hastehogan" | Navaho / USA | Chief house god. Also a god of farming identified with the west and the sky at Sunset. Regarded as a benevolent deity who aids mankind and cures disease. Believed to live in a cave system near San Juan. He also has a malevolent aspect in which he can cast evil spells. His priest wears a blue mask, at the bottom of which is a horizontal yellow band representing evening light, with eight vertical black strokes representing Rain. It is decorated with eagle and owl feathers.... |
Goddess name "Hastseoltoi" | Navaho / USA | Goddess of hunting. She may be seen as the consort of the war god NAYENEZGANI. She carries two arrows, one in each hand, and wears a quiver and bow case. Navaho tradition dictates that no pictures are drawn of this deity.See also ARTEMIS.... |
God name "Hastseyalti (talking elder)" | Navaho / USA | Chief of gods. Not regarded as a creator deity, but god of the dawn and the eastern sky. Also guardian of animals in the hunt and, possibly, of corn. Regarded as a benevolent deity who aids mankind and cures disease. He also has a malevolent aspect in which he can cast evil spells. His priest invokes him in a ceremonial dance wearing a white mask with a symbol consisting of a corn stalk with two ears. At the bottom is a horizontal yellow band representing evening light, with eight vertical black strokes representing Rain. Also Yebitsai.... |
God name "Hatdastsisi" | Navaho / USA | God. A benevolent deity, he cures disease through the medium of his priest, who flagellates the affected parts. His home is believed to be near Tsegihi in New Mexico. Sacrifices to Hatdastsisi are made up from reeds decorated with a design representing the blue yucca plant, which is buried in the earth to the east of the tribal lodge. His priest wears a buckskin mask decorated with owl feathers, and a spruce collar, but otherwise ordinary Navaho dress with white buckskin leggings.... |
Goddess name "Hauhet" | Egypt | Primordial goddess. One of the eight deities of the OGDOAD, representing chaos, she is coupled with the god HEH and appears in anthropomorphic form but with the head of a snake. The pair epitomize the concept of infinity. She is also depicted greeting the rising Sun in the guise of a baboon.... |
God name "Hebe" | Greek | The personification of youth, is described as a daughter of Zeus and Hera ( Apollodorus i), and is, according to the Iliad IV, the minister of the gods, who fills their cups with nectar; she åśśists Hera in putting the horses to her chariot and she bathes and dresses her brother Ares. She was married to Heracles after his apotheosis. Greek |
Goddess name "Hedrun" | Norse | Goddess of intoxicating mead norse |
God name "Heitsi" | Africa | Shape-shifting sorcerer God. Hottentots. Africa |
God name "Hevajira" | Buddhist / Mahayana | God. A BODHISATTVA (buddha-designate) and an emanation of AKSOBHYA. The Tantric form of HERUKA and the Buddhist equivalent of the Hindu god Siva Nataraja. His SAKTI is NAIRAMATA or VAJRAVARAHI and he may appear dominating the four MARAS (the Hindu gods BRAHMA, VISNU, SIVA and INDRA). Color: blue. Attributes: bell, bow, hook, image of Aksobhya on crown, jewel, lotus, prayer wheel, wine glåśś. He holds a skull in each hand and an åśśortment of other weapons. Threeor eightheaded, from two to sixteen arms and two or four legs; three-eyed.... |
God name "Hexchuchan" | Mayan / Itza, Mesoamerican / Mexico | God of war. One of several to whom the resin copal was burned before starting a battle. He may have been a tribal ancestor.... |
God name "Hi'lina" | Haida Indian / Queen Charlotte Island, Canada | Tribal god. The personification of the thunderbird known to many Indian tribes. The noise of the thunder is caused by the beating of its wings, and when it opens its eyes there is lightning. The thunder clouds are its cloak.... |
Goddess name "Hina" | Polynesian / Tahiti | moon goddess. In local traditions the daughter of the god TANGAROA and creatrix of the moon, which she governs. She lives in one of its dark spots representing groves of trees which she brought from earth in a canoe and planted. She is also represented as the consort of Tangaroa. Hina probably evolved in Tahiti from the Polynesian underworld goddess HINE-NUITE-PO. Also SINA (Samoa); Ina (Hervey Islands).... |
Goddess name "Hine-Ahu-One (maiden formed of the earth)" | Polynesian / including Maori | Chthonic goddess. Engendered by the god TANE when he needed a consort because, with the exception of the primordial earth mother PAPATUANUKU, all the existing gods of creation were male. Tane created her out of the red earth and breathed life into her. She became the mother of HINE-ATA-UIRA.... |
God name "Hinkon" | Tungus / Siberia | A hunting god as the controller of all animals |
God name "Hinkon" | Tungus / Siberian | Hunting god. Revered as the lord of all animals and controller of the chase.... |
God name "Hinkon Tungus" | Siberia | God of hunting as the controller of all animals Siberia |