
List of Gods : "God Usa" - 113 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Shinto / Japan Sun goddess. The central figure of Shintoism and the ancestral deity of the imperial house. One of the daughters of the primordial god IZANAGI and said to be his favorite offspring, she was born from his left eye. She is the sibling of SUSANO-WO, the storm god. According to mythology she and Susano-Wo are obliged to join each other in order to survive....
God name
Phrygian A mythical being connected with the Phrygian worship of Attes or Atys. Pausanias relates the following story about Agdistis. On one occasion Zeus unwittingly begot by the earth a superhuman being which was at once man and woman, and was called Agdistis. The gods dreaded it and unmanned it, and from its severed genitalia there grew up an almond-tree.
Goddess name
Egypt Goddess of war and Sunset. Egypt
God name
Japanese Means "The cave of the Sun god" of "heavenly rock cave". In Japanese mythology, Susanoo, the Japanese god of the seas, was the one who drove Amaterasu into Ame-no-Iwato. This caused the Sun to hide for a long period of time.
God name
Sudanese / Meroe war god. An Egyptianized deity, his main sanctuary was contained in a vast religious complex and center of pilgrimage at Musawwarat-es-Sufra, north of the sixth Nile cataract. Sacred animals include cattle and the African elephant. Depicted with the head of a lion and a human body, holding a scepter embellished with a seated lion at the tip....
God name
Lithuania God of health. Lithuania
God name
Lithuanian God of health and Medicine. Lithuanian
Angel name
Islam When God created the earth, he realized that it was not secure. To stabilize it, he placed under it first an angel, then a huge rock made of ruby, then a bull with four thousand eyes, ears, nostrils, mouths, tongues, and feet. But even the bull did not stand firm. So below it God placed Behemoth, who rested on water which was surrounded by darkness. Islam
God name
Greek 1. A son of Poseidon and Medusa, and consequently a brother of Pegasus. When Perseus cut off the head of Medusa, Chrysaor and Pegasus sprang forth from it. Chrysaor became by Callirrhoe the father of the three-headed Geryones and Echidna. ( Theogony of Hesiod 280) 2. The god with the golden sword or arms. In this sense it is used as a surname or attribute of several divinities, such as Apollo, Artemis and Demeter. We find Chrysaoreus as a surname of Zeus with the same meaning, under which he had a temple in Caria, which was a national sanctuary, and the place of meeting for the national åśśembly of the Carians. Greek
Goddess name
Roman Minor goddess. Generally invoked to protect the common man against the emperor's absolute use of power. Under Hadrian the term cdementia temporum (mildness of the times) came into common usage....
God name
USA Multifaceted deity. demigod, creator, trickster. In Tongva Mythology Coyote challenges "The River" to a race. Coyote is victorious, but collapses from fatigue. The river laughs at him and takes the name "Hahamongna". USA
God name
"Coyote/ Koyote"
Pan-W USA A demigod / creator / trickster
Deities name
"Dsahadoldza (fringe mouth)"
Navaho / USA Chthonic god of earth and water. A number of deities are known under this title. The priest impersonating the god has one side of his body painted red and the other side black. He wears a buckskin mask painted with a horizontal yellow band to represent the evening sky and eight vertical black stripes to represent Rain....
God name
Semitic Local god åśśociated with vegetation and fertility survived until about 500 BCE. Semitic
God name
"Dusara (the one' of s'ara)"
Western Semitic / Nabataean Local tutelary god. Associated with vegetation and fertility in the Hauran region from about 312 BC until circa AD 500. Regarded as a supreme deity, comparable to BAAL S AMIN, who never achieved Dus ara's popularity among the nomadic Nabataeans, for whom farming was precarious. He was represented by a black obelisk at Petra. Sacred animals are the eagle and panther. Attributes include a vine stem. In Hellenic times he was the subject of inscriptions at Delos and Miletus and he was equated with DIONYSOS. Also Dus ares; Dus-S ara....
Goddess name
Roman A goddess of infants who are weaning
God name
Roman Minor god of infants. Responsible for the proper nourishment of the child....
God name
Greek A son of Apollo and Aethusa, the daughter of Poseidon, was regarded as the founder of Eleutherae in Boeotia. He was the grandfather of Jasius and Poemander, the founder of Tanagra. He is said to have been the first that erected a statue of Dionysus, and spread the worship of the god. Greek
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