Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "AEGIR (water)" | Icelandic / Nordic | God of the ocean. A lesser known AESIR god of Asgard concerned with the moods of the sea and their implications for mariners. The river Eider was known to the Vikings as Aegir's Door. Aegir is also depicted in some poetry as the ale brewer, perhaps an allusion to the caldrons of mead which were thought to come from under the sea (see also the Celtic deities DAGDA and GOBNIU). There are references in literature to Saxons sacrificing captives, probably to Aegir, before setting sail for home. Linked in uncertain manner to the goddess RAN he was believed to have sired nine children, the waves of the sea, who were possibly giantesses.... |
Goddess name "AMATERASU-O-MI-KAMI" | Shinto / Japan | Sun goddess. The central figure of Shintoism and the ancestral deity of the imperial house. One of the daughters of the primordial god IZANAGI and said to be his favorite offspring, she was born from his left eye. She is the sibling of SUSANO-WO, the storm god. According to mythology she and Susano-Wo are obliged to join each other in order to survive.... |
Goddess name "Abeona" | Roman | A goddess who protected children the first time they left their parents' home, safeguarding their first steps alone. She is related to Adeona, a goddess who guided children back to their parents' home. Roman |
Goddess name "Acca Larentia" | Etruscan | A mythical woman who occurs in the stories in early Roman history. Associated with Hercules she was a goddess of the earth and goddess of Winter Roman / Etruscan |
Goddess name "Aditi (the free one)" | Hindu / Vedic | Archaic mother goddess. According to the Rg Veda Aditi is said to be the wife of KASYAPA or of BRAHMA and mother of the ADITYAS, a group of minor gods including MITRA, ARYAMAN, BHAGA, VARUNA, DAKSA and Anisa. No other consort is mentioned in the literature. She is also accounted as the mother of HARI. Other legends account her as the mother of the Rain god INDRA. No human physical features are drawn, though she is sometimes identified in the guise of a cow. Aditi is also perceived as a guardian goddess who brings prosperity and who can free her devotees from problems and clear away obstacles. She disappears largely from later Hindu traditions.... |
Goddess name "Ah Kin (he of the sun)" | Mayan / Mesoamerican / Mexico | Sun god. A deity of ambivalent personality, the young suitor of the moon goddess Acna, also the aged Sun god in the sky. He is feared as the bringer of drought, but also protects mankind from the powers of evil åśśociated with darkness. Said to be carried through the underworld at night on the shoulders of the god Sucunyum. Ah Kin is prayed to at Sunrise and rituals include the burning of incense. He is invoked to cure illness and to bring wives to bachelors. Attributes include a square third eye subtended by a loop, a strong Roman nose, a squint and incisor teeth filed to a T-shape. Also Acan Chob (Lacandon); Chi Chac Chob; Kinich Ahau; God G.... |
Goddess name "Ala" | Ibo / eastern Nigeria, West Africa | Chthonic fertility goddess. A popular deity who is also goddess of the underworld linked with a cult of the dead (which rest in her womb). Her temple is the Mbari which contains a cult statue depicting the goddess seated with a child in her arms and adorned with the crescent moon. She is flanked by attendant deities. She enjoys a profusion of local shrines which are well supplied with votive offerings. Serious crimes including murder are considered to be offenses against her. An annual yam festival is celebrated in her honor. Also Ale, Ana, ANI.... |
Goddess name "Alaisiagae" | Roman / Celtic / British | Minor goddesses. They are identified at houseteads (Northumberland) in a shrine to Mars Thincsus.... |
Goddess name "Alaisiagae the" | Celtic / British / Roman | They are minor goddess |
Goddess name "Alruna-wife" | German | The Alrunes were the lares or penates of the ancient Romans. An Alruna-wife was the household goddess of a German family. An Alruna-maiden is a household maiden goddess. |
Goddess name "Ame-No-Taiabata-Hime-No-Mikoto" | Shinto / Japan | Astral goddess of weavers. One of two star apotheoses who are, according to tradition, deeply in love with each other. Her partner is HIKOBOSHI. Her name is generally abbreviated to Tanabata, the title of a festival in honor of the goddess which became a national event in Japan in AD 755. The festival later became merged with the Tibetan Bon Ullumbana festival of the dead. Also Shokujo.... |
Goddess name "Ammut (devouress of the dead)" | Egypt | Chthonic underworld goddess. A significant deity who allegedly consumes the dead if their hearts are found weighed down with guilt in the Judgment Hall of the Two Truths during the Weighing of the Heart ceremony. Ammut has a fearsome aspect and sits alongside forty-two juror gods named in the Book of the Dead. Depicted with the head of a crocodile, the trunk and fore-limbs of a lion and the hind part of a hippopotamus.See also THOTH and MAAT.... |
Goddess name "Anat" | Hebrew / Israel | The goddess Anat is never mentioned in Hebrew scriptures as a goddess, though her name is apparently preserved in the city names Beth Anath and Anathoth. Anathoth seems to be a plural form of the name, perhaps a shortening of bêt anatôt 'House of the Anats', either a reference to many shrines of the goddess or a plural of intensification. The ancient hero Shamgar son of Anat is mentioned in Judges 3.31;5:6 which raises the idea that this hero may have been imagined as a demi-god, a mortal son of the goddess. |
Goddess name "Anat in Egypt" | Egypt | Anat first appears in Egypt in the 16th dynasty (the Hyksos period) along with other northwest Semitic deities. She was especially worshipped in her aspect of a war goddess, often paired with the goddess Ashtart. In the Contest Between Horus and Set, these two goddesses appear as daughters of Re and are given in marriage to the god Set, who had been identified with the Semitic god Hadad. |
Goddess name "Andjety" | Egypt / Lower | Chthonic underworld god. Minor deity in anthropomorphic form known from the Pyramid Texts. Identified with the ninth nome (district). Responsible for rebirth in the afterlife and regarded as a consort of several fertility goddesses. He was revered at Busiris where he clearly heralded the cult of Osiris. Attributes: high conical crown (similar to the atef crown of Osiris) decorated with two tall plumes, crook and flail. In early Pyramid Texts, the feathers are replaced by a bicornuate uterus.See also Osiris.... |
Goddess name "Antu aka Antum" | Babylon / Akkadia | A goddess, the first consort of Anu. They were the parents of the Anunnaki and the Utukki. Antu was replaced as consort by Ishtar or Inanna, who may also be a daughter of Anu and Antu. She is similar to Anat. Babylon / Akkadia |
Goddess name "Anunit aka Anunitu" | Chaldea | The Assyrian and Babylonian counterpart to the Sumerian Inanna and to the cognate northwest Semitic goddess Astarte. Anunit, Astarte and Atarsamain are alternative names for Ishtar. Chaldea |
Goddess name "Anunnaki" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian | Children and courtiers of the god of heaven. Known from at least 2500 BC until circa 200BC (in Babylon). The Anunnaki originate as chthonic fertility deities but later feature as the seven fearsome judges of the underworld who answer to Kur and ERES KIGAL and who are responsible for påśśing sentences of death including that placed on the goddess INANA. They are often closely identified with the IGIGI.... |