Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Etain" | Ireland | Goddess of war Ireland |
Goddess name "Etain/ Echraidhe" | Irish | A goddess of war |
Goddess name "Fuamnach" | Ireland | Midir's first wife and a witch goddess. When Midir fell in love with Etain and married her, Fuamnach got so jealous that she cast several spells on her, but she did not succeed. Ireland |
Goddess name "Mama Qoca (mother sea)" | Inca / pre - Columbian South America / Peru, etc | Goddess of the ocean. Originally a pre-Inca goddess of coastal regions who retained her influence under Inca rule. Invoked by all Indians who gain their livelihood from the sea. Today probably syncretized largely with the Christian Virgin Mary. Also Mama Cocha.... |
Goddess name "Tyche" | Greco - Roman | Goddess of fortune. She appears as a nereid in the Hymn to Demeter (Homer). According to Hesiod's Theogony she is the daughter of OKEANOS. Elsewhere she is identified as the daughter of ZEUS and HERA. She is depicted carrying a rudder or, alternatively, cornucopiae. Also mentioned as Agathe Tyche, the consort of Agathos Daemon. She became widely identified with the Asian mother goddess KYBELE but was replaced, in Roman times, by the goddess FORTUNA and åśśociated symbolically with a wheel device. She retained popularity for a long time. There is a record that the Emperor Julian sacrificed to Tyche at Antioch in AD 361-2 and her temple was still intact during the reign of Theodosius (379-95).... |