Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Bendis" | Greece | A Thracian divinity in whom the moon was worshipped. Hesychius says "that the poet Cratinus called this goddess Two Spears, either because she had to discharge two duties, one towards heaven and the other towards the earth, or because she bore two lances, or lastly, because she had two lights, the one her own and the other derived from the Sun. In Greece she was sometimes identified with Persephone, but more commonly with Artemis. |
Goddess name "Fortuna" | Roman | The goddess of chance or good luck, was worshipped both in Greece and Italy, and more particularly at Rome, where she was considered as the steady goddess of good luck, success, and every kind of prosperity. Roman |
Goddess name "Helia" | Greece | A solar goddess, one of the Heliades: a daughter of Helios and sister of Phaethon. Greece |
Goddess name "Kotys" | Thrace | A goddess whose worship spread throughout Greece & Italy |
Goddess name "Soteira" | Greece | the saving goddess, occurs as a surname of several female divinities in Greece, e. g. of Artemis at Pegae in Megaris, of Persephone in Laconia, of Athena of Eunomia. |
Goddess name "Syria Dea" | De | the Syrian goddess, a name by which the Syrian Astarte or Aphrodite is sometimes designated. This Astarte was a Syrian divinity, resembling in many points the Greek Aphrodite, and it is not improbable that the latter was originally the Syrian Astarte, the opinions concerning whom were modified after her introduction into Greece; for there can be no doubt that the worship of Aphrodite came from the East to Cyprus, and thence was carried into the south of Greece. Lucian, De Syria Dea |
Goddess name "Taurica" | Greece | the Taurian goddess, commonly called Artemis. Her image was believed to have been carried from Tauris by Orestes and Iphigenia, and to have been conveyed to Brauron, Sparta, or Aricia. The worship of this Taurian goddess, who was identified with Artemis and Iphigenia, was carried on with orgiastic rites and human sacrifices, and seems to have been very ancient in Greece. |