Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "An i" | Egypt / Upper | Guardian deity. Seems to have become åśśimilated with HORUS and was one of the protectors of the eastern sky in which the Sun rises. According to some texts he is also responsible for the decapitation of the goddess HATHOR in a conflict for the throne of Egypt. Anti is known from Middle kingdom coffin texts (circa 2000 BC). Depicted as a falcon, or a human with a falcon's head, standing on a crescent-shaped barque.... |
Goddess name "Armkis [Greek]" | Egypt / Upper | Birth goddess. Minor deity with cult centers in lower Nubia and at Elephantine. She is variously the daughter of RE, and of KHNUM and SATIS. Anukis lives in the cataracts of the Lower Nile. Her portrait appears in the Temple of Rameses II at Beit-et-Wali where she suckles the pharaoh, suggesting that she is connected with birth and midwifery, but she also demonstrates a malignant aspect as a strangler (see HATHOR). Her sacred animal is the gazelle. Depicted anthropomorphically wearing a turban (modius) with ostrich feathers. Also Anuket (Egyptian).... |
Goddess name "Bat" | Egypt / Upper | cow goddess of fertility. She was probably well known in the Old kingdom (circa 2700 BC onward). Associated principally with Upper Egypt, for a while she may have rivaled Hathor in Lower Egypt but by the time of the New kingdom (sixteenth century BC) her influence had waned. She may be represented on the Narmer Palette (Cairo Museum) which com memorates the unification of the two kingdoms. Bat is only rarely found in large sculptures and paintings, but is often the subject of Egyptian period jewelry, including amulets and ritual sistrum rattles. Depicted as a cow or anthropo morphically with bovine ears and horns. Also Bata.... |
Goddess name "Hathor" | Egypt | The Beautiful Face In The Boat For Thousands Of Years. Goddess of procreation, sexuality, romance, trees, poetry, music, alcohol, childbirth, infants, death, fertility, love, marriage, beauty, joy and the sky. Egypt |
Goddess name "Ihy" | Egypt / Upper | God of music. Minor deity personifying the jubilant noise of the cultic sistrum rattle generally åśśociated with the goddess Hathor. The son of HATHOR and HORUS. Particularly known from the Hathor sanctuary at Dendara. Depicted anthropomorphically as a nude child with a side-lock of hair and with finger in mouth. May carry a sistrum and necklace.... |
Goddess name "Inmutef (pillar of his mother)" | Egypt | Minor god. The bearer of the heavens, his cult is linked with that of the goddess HATHOR.... |
Goddess name "Khons(u) (wanderer)" | Egypt / Upper | moon god. Recognized from at least 2500 BC but best known during the New kingdom (mid-sixteenth century BC). A significant deity at Thebes, where he is described as an offspring of AMUN and MUT. His sacred animal is the baboon. There is a Khonsu precinct as part of the Temple of Amun in the Karnak complex. From the Greco-Roman period there exists a sanctuary of Kom-ombo where Khonsu is seen as the offspring of the crocodile god SOBEK and the mother goddess HATHOR. Depicted anthropomorphically or with a falcon's head, but in either case enveloped in a close-fitting robe. He wears a crown consisting of a crescent moon subtending a full moon orb.... |
Goddess name "Nekmet Awai" | Egypt | Goddess of justice. Locally known from Hermopolis, she later became syncretized with the goddess HATHOR.... |
Goddess name "Quades (the holy one)" | Western Semitic | Fertility goddess. probably originating in Syria. She epitomizes female sexuality and eroticism in the mold of ASTARTE. She was adopted by Egypt with the fertility gods MIN and RESEP and became partly åśśociated with the goddess HATHOR. She is usually depicted nude standing on the back of a lion (see also INANA and NINHURSAG A) between Min to whom she offers a lotus blossom, and Resep for whom she bears snakes. Her cult followed the typically ancient Near Eastern pattern of a sacred marriage carried out by her votary priestesses and their priests or kings.... |
Goddess name "RaHathor (Het-Hert, Het-Heru, Hwt-Hert, Hethara" | Egipt | meaning "House of Horus [the Elder]", was a goddess of many things, from the celestial to the alcoholic! She was a celestial goddess, The Mistress of heaven. A goddess of love, music and beauty as the Goddess of love, Cheerfulness, Music and Dance. Hathor was known as the Mother of Mothers and the Celestial Nurse who presided over women, fertility, children and childbirth. Yet Hathor was also a goddess of baser things - she was the Vengeful Eye of Ra, the Lady of Drunkenness, and a goddess of the dead as Lady of the West. |
Goddess name "Sobek (rager)" | Egypt | God epitomizing the might of the pharaohs. Said to be the son of NEITH, the creator goddess of Sais. He is depicted as a crocodile wearing a plumed headdress, or as a part-human hybrid. The crocodile imagery suggests an ability to attack and kill with sudden speed. Sobek's cult was extensive along the Nile valley, but was particularly prominent in the fertile Faiyum region. Near Aswan in Upper Egypt a sanctuary dedicated to Sobek identifies him as the consort of HATHOR and the father of KHONSU. Also Suchos (Greek).... |
Goddess name "Tasenetnofret" | Egypt | Goddess. The consort of HORUS as HAROERIS and regarded as a minor emanation of the goddess HATHOR. Known from the sanctuary of Kom-Ombo.... |