Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Ch'ang O / Chang'e, Chang-Ngo, Heng-E / Heng-O" | China | the Chinese goddess of the moon. Unlike many lunar deities, Chang'o only lives on the moon. China |
Goddess name "Ch'ang O/ Heng-O" | China | A goddess of the moon |
Goddess name "Heng E" | China | Goddess of the moon China |
Goddess name "Heng o" | China | Goddess of the moon China |
Goddess name "Hung Sheng (boly one)" | Chinese | Guardian god. A deity who protects fishing boats and their crews against danger at sea in the Southern Ocean. His role is similar to that of the goddess KUAN YIN. Little is known of the origin of Hung Sheng, but he was allegedly a mortal who died on the thirteenth day of the second moon, which falls two days before the spring equinox when the sea dragon king, Lung Wang, is believed to leave the ocean and ascend into the heavens. The god is propitiated with cakes made from the first grain of the year, on the fifth day of the fifth month and in some traditions he is seen as an aspect of the sea dragon king.... |
Goddess name "Sheng Mu" | China | Goddess of witchcraft. China |