Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Metsaka" | Huichol Indian / Mesoamerican / Mexico | moon goddess. Known as grandmother moon, she is the consort of the fire god TATEVALI. She guards the Huichol against the god of death, TOKAKAMI.... |
Goddess name "Takotsi Nakawe (our grandmother growth)" | Huichol Indian / Mesoamerican / Mexico | Chthonic vegetation goddess. The earth and all plant life belong to her and she is regarded as the mother of the gods, particularly of the fire god TATEVALI. She is very old and is invoked to give the boon of longevity. Her sacred tree is a form of fig, the salate.... |
Goddess name "Tate Hautse Kupuri (mother north water)" | Huichol Indian / Mesoamerican / Mexico | Rain and water goddess. Similar to TATE KYEWIMOKA, but also responsible for mists and fogs.... |
Goddess name "Tate Kyewimoka (mother west water)" | Huichol Indian / Mesoamerican / Mexico | Rain and water goddess. Appears in lightning and is said to resemble a red snake. She lives in a deep gorge with caves, in Santa Catarina, and brings the Rain from the west. Her animals include deer and ravens and she is also the goddess of the corn.... |
Goddess name "Tate Naaliwahi (mother east water)" | Huichol Indian / Mesoamerican / Mexico | Rain and water goddess. Appears in lightning and brings Rain from the east. She lives in a deep gorge with caves, in Santa Catarina.... |
Goddess name "Tate Oteganaka (mother corn)" | Huichol Indian / Mesoamerican / Mexico | corn goddess. The mother of the Sun god TAYAU.... |
Goddess name "Tate Rapawiyema (mother south water)" | Huichol Indian / Mesoamerican / Mexico | Rain and water goddess. Similar to TATE KYEWIMOKA, but also the patron goddess of Laguna de Magdalena, where she is believed to take the form of a water lizard.... |
Goddess name "Tate Velika Vimali" | Huichol Indian / Mesoamerican / Mexico | Sun goddess. Perceived as a young girl or as a royal eagle who holds the world in her talons and guards it. In human form the night sky with its stars are her dress.... |
Goddess name "Tokakami" | Huichol Indian / Mesoamerican / Mexico | God of death. His chief antagonist is the moon goddess METSAKA.... |