Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Arinna" | Hittite | The "sun goddess of Arinna". As well as the weather God later åśśociated with the Hurrian "Teshup", Arinna, the Sun goddess and their children are all deriviations from the former Hatti Pantheon. Hittite |
Goddess name "Arinna (sun goddess)" | Hittite / Hurrian | Solar deity. May have taken androgynous form, but also identified as the consort of the weather god TESUB. Probably the head of the Hittite state pantheon. There is little detail because the religious center of Arinna is knownonly from texts. The Sun goddess was also perceived to be a paramount chthonic or earth goddess. She becomes largely syncretized with the Hurrian goddess HEBAT.... |
Goddess name "Gul-Ses" | Hittite | Collective name for goddesses of fate. They dispense good or evil, life or death. Also Hutena (Hurrian).... |
Goddess name "Hannahannas" | Hittite / Hurrian | the mother goddess |
Goddess name "Hannahannas" | Hittite / Hurrian | Mother goddess. Described as the great mother. In the legend of TELEPINU, the missing god, she sends a bee to locate him. When the bee stings Telepinu to awaken him, the god vents his rage on the natural world. NOTE: the priestesses of the Phrygian mother goddess KYBELE were, according to the Roman writer Lactantius, melissai or bees.... |
Goddess name "Inara" | Hurrian | The daughter of the storm-god Teshub or Tarhunt and the goddess of the wild animals of the steppe. Hurrian |
Goddess name "Inara" | Hittite / Hurrian | Minor goddess. Daughter of the weather god TESUB. In the legendary battle with the dragon Illuyankas she åśśists her father to triumph over evil.... |
Goddess name "Irsirra" | Hurrian | Goddess of fate and destiny. Hurrian |
Goddess name "Kamrusepa" | Hittite / Hurrian | Goddess of healing. Mother of Aruna. Involved in the legend of TELEPINU, the missing vegetation fertility god.... |
Goddess name "Khipa" | Hittite / Hurrian | Tutelary deity. This may be an archaic name for the goddess MA. Also Khebe.... |
Goddess name "Kubaba" | Hurrian | gave bread to the fisherman and gave water, she made him offer the fish to Esagila Shrines in her honour spread throughout Mesopotamia. In the Hurrian area she may be identified with Kebat, or Hepat, one title of the Hurrian Mother Goddess Hannahannah |
Goddess name "Leiwani" | Hittite / Hurrian | Chthonic underworld goddess. Associated with charnel houses and probably modeled on the Sumerian ERES KIGAL.... |
Goddess name "Lelwani" | Hittite | Chthonic underworld goddess Hittite / Hurrian |
Goddess name "Sauska" | Hittite / Hurrian | Fertility goddess. Of Hurrian origin, Sauska was adopted by the Hittite state religion. She is also identified with war and is particularly renowned as a goddess of healing. She is depicted in human form with wings, standing with a lion and accompanied by two attendants. Sauska is known in detail only because she became the patron goddess of the Hittite king Hattusilis II (1420-1400 BC).... |
Goddess name "Shaushka" | Akkadia | Powerful goddess Ishtar Hittite / Hurrian / Akkadia |