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Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "AEGIR (water)" | Icelandic / Nordic | God of the ocean. A lesser known AESIR god of Asgard concerned with the moods of the sea and their implications for mariners. The river Eider was known to the Vikings as Aegir's Door. Aegir is also depicted in some poetry as the ale brewer, perhaps an allusion to the caldrons of mead which were thought to come from under the sea (see also the Celtic deities DAGDA and GOBNIU). There are references in literature to Saxons sacrificing captives, probably to Aegir, before setting sail for home. Linked in uncertain manner to the goddess RAN he was believed to have sired nine children, the waves of the sea, who were possibly giantesses.... |
Goddess name "Adikia" | Greek | The goddess of injustice and wrong-doing. She was depicted as an ugly barbarian woman with tattooed skin. Greek |
Goddess name "Adikia" | Greek | Goddess of injustice. An ugly figure who is depicted on the Kypselos Chest being throttled by the goddess of justice DIKE.... |
Goddess name "Avrikiti Fon" | Benin | Goddess of fisherman Benin |
Goddess name "BRAGI (poet; leader)" | Nordic / Icelandic | God of poetry. A Viking deity, said by Snorri to be a son of OTHIN and consort of IDUNN, the goddess who keeps the apples of immortality for the gods of Asgard. Bragi is possibly also a pseudonym for Othin himself. Often found in company with AEGIR. The cup over which oaths were sworn was known as the cup of Bragi and he was seen as a poet and orator in the hall of the slain, Valhalla.... |
Goddess name "Dike" | Greek | Goddess of justice. The daughter of ZEUS. Depicted as a maiden whom men violently abuse in the streets but who is honored by the gods and who reports to her father on the misdeeds of mankind, causing Divine retribution. She is depicted on the Kypselos chest as an attractive woman strangling an ugly goddess of injustice, ADIKIA.... |
Goddess name "Gugulanna" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian | Minor underworld deity. The consort of the goddess ERESiKIGAL, mentioned as the pretext on which the fertility goddess INANA descends to the netherworld.... |
Goddess name "Hel or Hela" | Scandinavian | queen of the dead, is goddess of the ninth earth or nether world. She dwelt beneath the roots of the sacred ash (yggdrasil), and was the daughter of Loki. The All-father sent her into Helheim, where she was given dominion over nine worlds, and to one or other of these nine worlds she sends all who die of sickness or old age. Her dwelling is Elvidnir (dark clouds), her dish Hungr (hunger), her knife Sullt (starvation), her servants Ganglati (tardy-feet), her bed Kor (sickness), and her bed-curtains Blikiandabol (splendid misery). Half her body was blue. Scandinavian |
Goddess name "Inanupdikile" | Panama | A goddess of Rain |
Goddess name "Iord" | Nordic / Icelandic | earth goddess. In Viking tradition lord embodies the abstract sacredness of the earth. Said to be the mother of THOR and in some legends, the wife of OTHIN.See also FJORGYN.... |
Goddess name "Izanagi-No-Kami (his augustness the one who invites)" | Shinto / Japan | Creator god. One of seventeen beings involved in creation. His consort is IZANAMI-NO-KAMI. They are strictly of Japanese origin with no Chinese or Buddhist influence. Jointly they are responsible to the other fifteen primordial deities to make, consolidate and give birth to this drifting land. The reference, in the Kojiki sacred text, is to the reed beds which were considered to float on the primal waters. The pair were granted a heavenly jeweled spear and they stood upon the floating bridge of heaven, stirring the waters with the spear. When the spear was pulled up, the brine which dripped from it created the island of Onogoro, the first dry land, believed to be the island of Nu-Shima on the southern coast of Awagi. According to mythology, the pair created two beings, a son HIRUKO and an island Ahaji. They generated the remaining fourteen islands which make up Japan and then set about creating the rest of the KAMI pantheon. Izanagi's most significant offspring include AMATERASU, the Sun goddess, born from his nose and SUSANOWO, the storm god, born from his left eye, who are the joint rulers of the universe. Also IzanagiNo-Mikoto.... |
Goddess name "Karttiki" | Hindu | Mother goddess Hindu / Puranic / Epic |
Goddess name "Karttiki" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | Mother goddess. One of a group of nine NAVASAKTIS who, in southern India, rank higher than the SAPTAMATARAS.... |
Goddess name "Mahui Iki" | Polynesia | Goddess of fire and the underworld. Polynesia |
Goddess name "Ninsikil" | Origin | A tutelary goddess of Dilmun, the place of åśśembly of the gods, their meeting place and, so far as the Sumerians were concerned, the place of their origin. Her name means the pure queen. |
Goddess name "Ninsikil" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian | The goddess of Dilmun. The patron deity of the mythical Paradise land of Dilmun which seems to have been perceived as somewhere off the coast of the Persian Gulf but firmly beyond the frontiers of Sumer. It is Ninsikil who pleads with Enki to provide the earth with the boon of fresh water in the sacred rivers Tigris and Euphrates.... |
Goddess name "Ninsusinak" | Elamite | National god of the Elamite Empire and consort of the mother goddess Pinikir. Ninsusinak was god of oaths and judge of the dead. |
Goddess name "Pinikirz" | Elamite / Iran | Mother goddess. Known only from inscriptions.... |
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