Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Amat-Asherat" | Phonecian | Minor Goddess of alchemy and conjuration. Banished by El to the desert, where she raised shinx-like creatures with a lion and a human head to fight Baal. Phonecian |
Goddess name "Anat" | Phonecian | major Goddess of battle, bloodshed, and hunting, renowned for her hot temper and excitability. She killed the God Mot (temporarily) for her brother's sake. Daughter of Baal, sister of Aleyin. She appears as a maiden who rides a lion and carries shield, spear, and axe. Phonecian |
Goddess name "Asherat" | Phonecian | major Goddess of marriage, fidelity, and home life. Phonecian |
Goddess name "Asherat-of-the-sea" | Phonecian | Great Goddess of wisdom and the sea. Mother of the Gods and mistress of the Gods in wisdom. El's wife and counsellor, said to have 70 children, including Baal. Phonecian |
Goddess name "Astart" | Phonecian | major Goddess of fertility, love, and pleasure. Patron of harlots and hedonists. Phonecian |
Goddess name "Keret" | Phonecian | A son of El and soldier of the Goddess Sapas, but not very brave. Fought against the moon God Terah at his father's behest (eventually), but lost. Bought a costly wife: his son, Danel, was a prodigy. Phonecian |