Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Bhumidevi (the earth goddess)" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic / southern India | Fertility goddess. The second wife of VIS NU (or KRSNA). Her son is Naraka. Bhumidevi is often depicted standing on the left (occasionally right) hand of the VARAHA avatara of Vis nu. In the north she is known as PUSTI. She is often depicted sitting on a lotus throne with bared breasts. Attributes: blue lotus, lotus, lute, pomegranate, pot with herbs, pot with vegetables and water jar. Also Bhu, Bhudevi, BHUMI, MAHI, PRTHIVI, VASUDHARA and Zami-Mata.... |
Goddess name "Candra Kirana" | Hindu | An incarnation of Dewi Ratih, a goddess of love. Hindu |
Goddess name "Dhumorna (smoke)" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | Goddess. The consort of YAMA. Attribute: a pomegranate.... |
Goddess name "Kubaba" | Anatolian / northern Syrian | Mother goddess. She was worshiped particularly at Carchemish and seems to equate with the Hittite goddess SAUSKA. Attributes include pomegranate and mir ror. Also Gubaba, Kupapa.... |
Goddess name "Pranasakti" | Hindu | this goddess appears to be a rather terrifying deity that rules the centers of physical life |
Goddess name "Pranasakti" | Hindu | Goddess. A terrifying deity ruling the centers of physical life. She stands upon a lotus. Attribute: a cup filled with blood.... |
Goddess name "Puranai (fullness)" | Dravidian / Tamil / southern India | Mother goddess. A NAVASAKTI and one of the consorts of Aiyanar.... |
Goddess name "Rana Neida" | Nordic | Goddess of beauty and fertility. Nordic |
Goddess name "Ukat" | India | Goddess of good luck and whoever recites the 700 slokas of markand purana and asks for a specific boon, the goddess will grant it instantaneously. India |
Goddess name "Viranakka" | Saami | A goddess of hunting |