Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Nemesis" | Greco - Roman | Goddess of justice and revenge. The dreaded deity who, with the Furies, is responsible for transporting the souls of the guilty to Tartarus. She is also described as the deification of indignation. Her presence may be symbolized by the fabulous winged griffon. Her cult was predominantly at Rhamnus (Attica), where a magnificent temple was built in her honor in the fifth century BC, and in Smyrna. She also had a temple at Iconium in Asia Minor. According to legend, ZEUS raped her and she bore HELEN in consequence. In certain respects she provides a parallel with the goddess ERINYS. Her cult became one of morality.... |
Goddess name "Roma" | Greek / Roman | Tutelary goddess. The deity was actually conceived by the Greeks and shrines were set up at centers including Smyrna and Ephesus.... |
Goddess name "Sipylene" | Smyrna / Anatolia / west coast of Turkey | Mother goddess. The localized name of the great mother, worshiped in the Metroon sanctuary.... |