Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "ASERAH" | Amorite, Canaanite,Phoenician, Lebanon, Syria | Mother goddess. Aserah is the great mother goddess of Canaan. Known as Lady Aserah of the sea, she seems to have lived close by the place of IL, the Canaanite creator god, and is said to have had many sons. She is described as the creatress of the gods and the matron of a number of other goddesses who oversee the natural world. She is also ambiguous in her attitude to BAAL. She intercedes with Il when Baal wishes to build a palace of his own yet, when he is vanquished, she attempts to place one of her own offspring on the throne.... |
Goddess name "ASTARTE (star)" | Semitic, Phoenician, Lebanon, Syria / The goddess of the evening star, of war / of sexual love | Fertility goddess. Inscriptions from the fifth century BC in her major temple at Sidon suggest she was perceived as an emanation of BAAL SAMIN, personifying his Divine power. She is also his consort. Her animal is the sphinx, which typically appears on either side of her throne.... |
Goddess name "ASTORETH" | Philistine , Israel, Lebanon | Fertility goddess. Astoreth equates with the Syrian goddess ASTARTE, both being modeled on the Mesopotamian ISTAR. She was adopted, typically, as goddess of both love and war. She is usually depicted wearing a horned headdress.... |
Goddess name "Aasith" | Egypt | Goddess of the hunt, war, and the desert Egypt / Syria |
Goddess name "An Zu" | Assyria | Goddess of chaos Assyria |
Goddess name "Anshur/ Ashur/ Asshur" | Assyria | Not only be goddess of the Sun, but it was the that killed the dragon of chaos during creation |
Goddess name "Anthat" | Syria | A war goddess who had a shrine at Thebes |
Goddess name "Anunit aka Anunitu" | Chaldea | The Assyrian and Babylonian counterpart to the Sumerian Inanna and to the cognate northwest Semitic goddess Astarte. Anunit, Astarte and Atarsamain are alternative names for Ishtar. Chaldea |
Goddess name "Astarte" | Syria | A goddess of the moon |
Goddess name "Astarte/ Ashtoreth" | Phoenicia / Babylon / Assyria / conference / Canaan | A goddess of fertility, sacred love, sexuality & of sex & the moon |
Goddess name "Asthertet" | Syria | Goddess of horses, war and the moon Syria |
Goddess name "Atargatis" | Asia Minor | Ocean Mermaid a Goddess of Creation and Fertility. She was usually depicted with a fish tail; hence her modern identification as the Mermaid Goddess Known to the Romans as Dea Syria. She was worshipped by men performing auto-castration. Asia Minor |
Goddess name "Atargatis" | Syria | Goddess of lakes, fertility and nature. She wears a mural crown, is the ancestor the royal house, the founder of social and religious life, the goddess of generation and fertility. Syria |
Goddess name "Atargatis" | Northern Syrian | Mother goddess. She enjoyed major cults at Khirbet Tannur, where she is depicted as the vegetation goddess in nine separate variations, and at Khirbet Brak, where she is åśśociated with dolphins. She often carries a cornucopia linking her with the goddess TYCHE (fortune) and may commonly be flanked by lions. She sometimes carries a rudder or wears the mural crown of a city guardian. There are hints of sky affinities in some depictions, with a sign of the zodiac or a nimbus-like veil.... |
Goddess name "Atars'amain (morning star of heaven)" | Pre - Islamic northern / central Arabian | Astral deity of uncertain gender. Worshiped particularly by the Isamme tribe, but revered widely among other Arabs. Known from circa 800 BC and identified in letters of the Assyrian kings Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal. May be synonymous with the Arab goddess ALLAT whose cult was centered on Palmyra.... |
Goddess name "Baubo" | Western Semitic / Syrian | Mother goddess. Known locally from Priene and largely became syncretized with ATARGATIS, KYBELE, etc.... |
Goddess name "Bel" | Akkadian | Bel became especially used of the Babylonian god Marduk and when found in Assyrian and neo-Babylonian personal names or mentioned in inscriptions in Mesoptamian context it can usually be taken as referring to Marduk and no other god. Similarly Belit without some disambiguation mostly refers to Bel Marduk's spouse Sarpanit. However Marduk's mother, the Sumerian goddess called Ninhursag, Ningal and Ninmah and other names in Sumerian, was often known as Belit-ili 'Lady of the Gods' in Akkadian. |
Goddess name "Fatima" | Syrian | The great goddess of the moon and fate, the source of the Sun and the virgin queen of heaven. Syrian |