Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Caelestis" | Carthaginian / North Africa | moon goddess. The Romanized form of the Punic goddess TANIT. Elsewhere she became syncretized into the cult of APHRODITE-VENUS. Annual games were held in her honor. She was brought to Rome in the form of an abstract block of stone (like that of KYBELE from Pessinus) and became popular there during the early part of the third century AD; in this guise she was known as the mighty protectress of the Tarpeian hill.... |
Supreme god name "Tanik" | Phoenician / Pontic / Carthaginian | moon goddess. Known largely from inscriptions at various sites along the North African coast and linked with the goddess ASTARTE. Her symbol is a triangular device with horizontal bars supporting a moon disc. Both deities are described as ladies of the sanctuary. Tanit was the supreme goddess at Carthage, known as the face of BAAL, until usurped by the Roman goddess JUNO; she survived under the name CAELESTIS. The goddess CERES was also worshiped in the TANIT temple at Carthage. Also Tenit.... |
Goddess name "Tanit" | Carthage | Goddess of the moon. Phoenicia and Carthage |
Goddess name "Tinnit" | Pontic / Carthaginian | Goddess. See also TANIT.... |