Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Bolbe" | Greek | An extremely beautiful lake Goddess, the daughter of Oceåñuś and Tethys. Bolbe's offspring was Limnades who are nymphs living in fresh water lakes. Greek |
Goddess name "Doris" | Greek | Sea goddess. Daughter of OKEANOS and TETHYS and consort of NEREUS. In Hesiod's Theogony her children include AMPHITRITE and THETIS among many minor figures.... |
Goddess name "Metis" | Greek | Goddess of wisdom. The daughter of OKEANOS and TETHYS. The original consort of ZEUS and mother of ATHENA. According to legend, Zeus swallowed her because he feared she would engender a child more powerful than he.... |
Goddess name "Philyra" | Greek | A daughter of Oceåñuś and Tethys, and the mother of Cheiron by Cronus. Philyra was an Oceanid and was married to Nauplius and was the goddess of perfume, writing, healing, beauty and paper. Greek |
Goddess name "Styx" | Greek | Chthonic underworld goddess. A daughter of OKEANOS and TETHYS, and mother of NIKE. The deity of the river Styx beside which the gods swear their oaths.... |
Goddess name "Tethys" | Greek | A Titaness and sea goddess who was both sister and wife of Oceåñuś. She was mother of the chief rivers of the universe, such as the Nile, the Alpheus, the Maeander, and about three thousand daughters called the Oceanids. Greek |
Goddess name "Tethys" | Greek | Sea goddess. One of the TITANS, the daughter of OURANOS and GAIA and both the sister and the consort of OKEANOS.... |