Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Jaya-Vijaya" | Hindu | Twin goddess, possibly forms of Durga Hindu / Puranic / Epic |
Goddess name "Jayatara (victorious Tara)" | Buddhist / Mahayana | Minor goddess. Jaya-Vijaya (victorious)... |
Goddess name "Usnisavijaya" | Buddhist | A goddess of longevity in Buddhism. She wears an image of the Budda Vairocana in her headdress. She is the most popular Budda goddess in Nepal, Tibet, and Mongolia. |
Goddess name "Usnisavijaya (victorious)" | Buddhist / Mahayana | Primordial goddess. Form of VAIROCANA, widely worshiped in Tibet. Regarded as a female BODHISATTVA or buddbadesignate, and a dikpala or guardian of the zenith direction. Also a deification of literature. One of a group of DHARANIS. Color: white. Attributes: arrow, bow, image of the BUDDHA on a lotus leaf, jewel, noose, prayer wheel, staff and waterjar. Three-eyed, three-headed and with eight arms.... |