
List of Gods : "Goddess Anna" - 35 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Hittite / Hurrian Mother goddess. Described as the “great mother.” In the legend of TELEPINU, the missing god, she sends a bee to locate him. When the bee stings Telepinu to awaken him, the god vents his rage on the natural world. NOTE: the priestesses of the Phrygian mother goddess KYBELE were, according to the Roman writer Lactantius, melissai or bees....
Goddess name
Mesopotamia Inana, the original "Holy Virgin," as the Sumerians called her, is the first known divinity åśśociated with the planet Venus. This Sumerian goddess became identified with the Semitic goddesses Ishtar and later Astarte, Egyptian Isis, Greek Aphrodite, Etruscan Turan and the Roman Venus. Mesopotamia
Goddess name
Sumeria A goddess of heaven, light, long life, the moon, & war
Goddess name
"Ishtar/ Inanna"
Babylonia She was the goddess of sexuality & of love and war
Goddess name
Hurrian gave bread to the fisherman and gave water, she made him offer the fish to Esagila Shrines in her honour spread throughout Mesopotamia. In the Hurrian area she may be identified with Kebat, or Hepat, one title of the Hurrian Mother Goddess Hannahannah
Goddess name
"N s anna a a"
Buddhist / Mahayana Minor goddess. Nodo us...
Goddess name
Anglo-Saxon Nanna. A pan-cultural cognomen. "Her place as queen of heaven goes back to remote antiquity. She is Venus and appears as Ashtarte (or Easter in the Anglo-Saxon), Nana and Anunitu. She is goddess of fertility and worshipped everywhere. She is daughter of Sin and also of Anu. She is also åśśociated with Sirius. She is goddess of sex and appropriates the attributes of Ninlil and Damkina and as daughter of Sin and from her descent to Hades she is represented by temple prostitution. The lion, normally the symbol of Shamash is åśśociated with her as is the dove. In this sequence, she becomes then åśśociated with Tammuz or Dumuzi, as the bringer of new life in the spring cults." The Golden Calf
Goddess name
Germanic A goddess of plants & flowers
Goddess name
Germanic Goddess of plants and flowers. Germanic
Goddess name
Norse A goddess of the moon
Goddess name
Babylon Beer goddess was a venerable and long-lasting deity. All hail to the ale. Babylon
Goddess name
"Ningal (great queen)"
Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian Reed goddess. Ningal is the daughter of ENKI and NINGIKUGA and the consort of the moon god NANNA by whom she bore UTU...
Goddess name
Buddhist Minor goddess Buddhist / Mahayana
Goddess name
"Pattinidevi (queen of goddesses)"
Hindu / Singhalese / Sri Lanka Mother goddess. A deification of Kannaki, the consort of Kovolan who, according to ancient Tamil tradition, journeyed to the town of Madurai to sell a gold anklet. Through trickery she was convicted of theft and executed, but was canonized. According to another tradition, she was born from a mango pierced by a sacred arrow. In southern India and Sri Lanka a goddess of chastity and fidelity in marriage. Also a guardian against diseases, including measles and smallpox. She is åśśociated with fire-walking rituals. Attributes: cobra-hood behind the head, and a lotus....
Goddess name
Buddhist Rather minor goddess who tramples upon some Hindu gods Buddhist / Mahayana
Goddess name
"Prasannatara (the gracious Tara)"
Buddhist / Mahayana Minor goddess. Regarded as a form of RATNASAMBHAVA who tramples on Hindu gods including INDRA, BRAHMA, RUDRA and Upendra. Color: yellow. Carries a large variety of attributes. Three-eyed....
Goddess name
"Subhadra (very splendid)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Goddess. The daughter of VASUDEVA and sister of KRSNA. She may appear standing beside JAGANNATH....
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