
List of Gods : "Goddess Bhumi" - 19 records

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Name ▲▼ Origin ▲▼ Description ▲▼
Goddess name
"Abhimukhi (friendly disposed)"
Buddhist / Vajrayana Minor goddess. One of twelve deified BHUMIS recognized as different spiritual spheres through which a disciple påśśes. Color: yellow. Attributes: Book and staff....
Goddess name
"Acala (immovable)"
Buddhist / Vajrayana (1) Minor goddess. One of twelve deified BHUMIS recognized as different spiritual spheres through which a disciple påśśes. Color: white. Attributes: staff on a lotus.(2) Tutelary god. Buddhist (Mahayana). Also a dikpala or guardian of the northeastern quarter. Color: blue. Attributes: jewel, lotus, staff and sword....
Goddess name
Buddhist Minor goddess and deified Bhumis Buddhist / Vajrayana
Goddess name
Buddhist / Vajrayana Minor goddess. One of twelve deified BHUMIS recognized as different spiritual spheres through which a disciple påśśes. Color: red. Attributes: red lotus and staff....
Goddess name
"Arcismati (brilliant)"
Buddhist / Vajrayana Minor goddess. One of several deified BHUMIS recognized as different spiritual spheres through which a disciple påśśes. Color: green. Attributes: blue lotus and staff....
Goddess name
"Bhumi Devata"
India A vegetation goddess
Goddess name
"Bhumi Devata"
Indian vegetation goddess. Worshiped by many primitive tribes....
Goddess name
Hindu / Puranic / Epic Goddess of the earth. Hindu / Puranic / Epic
Goddess name
"Bhumidevi (the earth goddess)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic / southern India Fertility goddess. The second wife of VIS NU (or KRSNA). Her son is Naraka. Bhumidevi is often depicted standing on the left (occasionally right) hand of the VARAHA avatara of Vis nu. In the north she is known as PUSTI. She is often depicted sitting on a lotus throne with bared breasts. Attributes: blue lotus, lotus, lute, pomegranate, pot with herbs, pot with vegetables and water jar. Also Bhu, Bhudevi, BHUMI, MAHI, PRTHIVI, VASUDHARA and Zami-Mata....
Goddess name
"Devi (the goddess)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Goddess epitomizing the active female principle. Devi evolved as a major goddess out of the older notion of mother and vegetation goddesses. She is seen more as an abstract principle who will nevertheless respond directly to worshipers' prayers. By the fifth century AD she appears in many forms as the active (feminine) aspect or power of male deities. General attributes: conch, hook, noose, prayer wheel and trident. Devi is also the generic name given to a female deity, in her capacity as the consort of a god or DEVA.See also SRI(DEVI), BHUMIDEVI....
Goddess name
"Dharmamegha (cloud of the law)"
Buddhist / Vajrayana Minor goddess. One of twelve deified BHUMIS recognized as different spiritual spheres through which a disciple påśśes. Color: blue. Attributes: Book and staff....
Goddess name
"Dharti Mata"
Hindu / Puranic Mother goddess. A deity who appears late in Hinduism and equates with PRTHIVI or BHUMIDEVI. According to some authors she is the consort of THAKUR DEO. Also Dhartri Mai, Darti Awwal....
Goddess name
"Durangama (going far away)"
Buddhist / Vajrayana Minor goddess. One of several deified BHUMIS recognized as different spiritual spheres through which a disciple påśśes. Color: green. Attributes: staff on a great lotus....
Goddess name
"Prabhakari (light-maker)"
Buddhist / Vajrayana Minor goddess. One of several deified BHUMIS recognized as different spiritual spheres through which a disciple påśśes. Color: red. Attributes: Sun disc on a great lotus and staff....
Goddess name
"Pramudita (delighted)"
Buddhist / Vajrayana Minor goddess. One of several deified BHUMIS recognized as different spiritual spheres through which a disciple påśśes. Color: red. Attributes: jewel and staff....
Goddess name
"Sadhumati (good)"
Buddhist / Vajrayana Minor goddess. One of several deified BHUMIS recognized as different spiritual spheres through which a disciple påśśes. Color: white. Attributes: staff, and sword on a blue lotus....
Goddess name
"Samantaprabha (possessing universal splendor)"
Buddhist / Vajrayana Minor goddess. One of several deified BHUMIS recognized as different spiritual spheres through which a disciple påśśes. Color: red. Attributes: an image of AMITABHA carried in the hand, and a staff....
Goddess name
"Sudurjaya (very difficult to conquer)"
Buddhist / Vajrayana Minor goddess. One of several deified BHUMIS recognized as different spiritual spheres through which a disciple påśśes. Color: yellow. Attributes: emerald and staff....
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