Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Alaisiagae" | Roman / Celtic / British | Minor goddesses. They are identified at houseteads (Northumberland) in a shrine to Mars Thincsus.... |
Goddess name "Alaisiagae the" | Celtic / British / Roman | They are minor goddess |
Goddess name "Anaulikutsai'x" | Bella Coola Indian / British Columbia, Canada | River goddess. Said to oversee the arrival and departure of the salmon in the rivers. She lives in a cave called Nuskesiu'tsta.... |
Goddess name "Ancasta" | Britain / British | A Goddess who survives only in her name through an inscription on a stone in Hampshire. It is a possibility she is related to Andraste. Britain |
Goddess name "Ancasta" | British | warrior Goddess, may be taken to be a local goddess, åśśociated with the River Itchen. |
Goddess name "Andrasta" | Roman / Celtic / British | Goddess of war. The patron goddess of the Iceni tribe. The warrior queen Boudicca is reported to have prayed to her before battle and she was the recipient of human sacrifice. Andrasta does not appear in Celtic Gaul, though a deity called Andraste is mentioned by the... |
Goddess name "Ardwinna" | British | Celtic Goddess of the wildwood. Ardwinna demands a fine of money for every animal killed in her wood British |
Goddess name "Argante" | British | Silver One goddess queen of Avalon who is known for her healing powers. British |
Goddess name "Arnamentia" | British | Goddess of spring waters. British |
Goddess name "Arnemetia" | Roman / British | A water goddess known from inscriptions |
Goddess name "Arnemetia" | Roman / Celtic / British | water goddess. A deity known only from inscriptions.... |
Goddess name "Borvo" | British / Gaul | God of hot springs equated with Apollo and has similarities to the goddess Sirona, who was also a healing deity åśśociated with mineral springs. British / Gaul |
Goddess name "Brigantia" | British | A goddess in Britain and Europe. She was the tutelary goddess of the Brigantes in northern Britain (modern Yorkshire) and of the Brigantes on lake Constance in Austria. British |
Goddess name "Brigantia" | Roman / Celtic / British | Tutelary goddess. The goddess of the Brigantes in the West Riding of Yorkshire. She became identified with CAELESTIS. At Corbridge, Northumberland, there is an altar inscribed to various deities, including Caelestis Brigantia. In a carved stone relief at Birrens, on the Antonine Wall in Scotland, she is depicted with the attributes of MINERVA. She may also bear links with the goddess BRIGIT. She is frequently åśśociated with water and herding.... |
Goddess name "Britannia" | Roman / Celtic / British | Tutelary goddess. The genia loci of Britain who first appears on the coinage of Antoninus Pius in the second century AD. She became the symbol of the British Empire after being partly syncretized with the Roman war goddess MINERVA.... |
Goddess name "COVENTINA" | Roman / Celtic / British | Tutelary and water goddess of uncertain affinities. Little is known of Coventina other than that she was a purely local British goddess of some importance. She is best observed from the period of the Roman occupation, at which time she shows a clåśśical influence but is clearly Celtic in origin.... |
Goddess name "Carravogue" | British / Ireland | Local Crone Goddess from County Meath who was transformed into a huge snake for eating forbidden berries. Her original purpose is basically lost in modern times because her stories became so absorbed by Christian legends which attempt to make her a Celtic Eve. British / Ireland |
Goddess name "Cerridwen" | British | Goddess of mountains British |