
List of Gods : "Goddess Derived" - 26 records

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Name ▲▼ Origin ▲▼ Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Celtic A Goddess of animal reproduction. Easter is derived from her name. Celtic
Goddess name
Greece A Thracian divinity in whom the moon was worshipped. Hesychius says "that the poet Cratinus called this goddess Two Spears, either because she had to discharge two duties, one towards heaven and the other towards the earth, or because she bore two lances, or lastly, because she had two lights, the one her own and the other derived from the Sun. In Greece she was sometimes identified with Persephone, but more commonly with Artemis.
Goddess name
Greek A surname of Artemis in Elis, derived from an indecent dance which the companions of Pelops are said to have performed in honour of the goddess after a victory which they had won.
Goddess name
Greek A surname of Demeter, derived from Mycalessus in Boeotia, where the goddess had a sanctuary. Greek
Goddess name
Pre - Christian Armenian Astral goddess. Derived from the Mesopotamian model of ISTAR. Survived in Christian times as the mother of fairies....
Goddess name
"Furiae aka dirae"
Greek / Roman Eumenides, erinyes,, were originally nothing but a personification of curses pronounced upon a guilty criminal. The name Erinnys, which is the more ancient one, was derived by the Greeks from "I hunt up or persecute", or from the Arcadian "I am angry"; so that the Furiae were either the angry goddesses, or the goddesses who hunt up or search after the criminal. Greek / Roman
Goddess name
Celtic / Gallic Fertility goddess (probable). Patron goddess of the Vocontii tribe. Her name seems to have derived either from artos (bear) or ar (ploughed land).See also ANDRASTA....
Goddess name
Roman God of luck. Derived from the Greek model of TYCHE, he is less prominent in the pantheon than the goddess FORTUNA....
Goddess name
Roman but derived from a Greek model Goddess of death. Abducted by the underworld god PLUTO to reign as his queen (see PERSEPHONE)....
Goddess name
Etruscan Goddess of fate. She enjoyed an important sanctuary at Volsini, where her presence was symbolized by a large nail. In a New Year rite, the nail was hammered into a block of wood, probably derived from an old fertility ritual symbolizing the impregnation of life into the new year. She has been identified with the Greek goddess TYCHE....
Goddess name
Japan Goddess of fire and of volcanic eruptions. The name Fuji is believed to be derived from "Huchi" or "Fuchi", the words for the Aino Goddess of Fire. Japan
Goddess name
Roman / Celtic Goddess of the Ardennes Forest. Her cult thus originated in the Ardennes, which derived its name from her. She was åśśimilated to the Roman Diana. Roman / Celtic
Goddess name
Roman Goddess of the dawn. Derived from the...
Goddess name
Greek Goddess of vegetation. Possibly derived from an unnamed Minoan goddess identified on Crete. According to Homer and Hesiod she is a daughter of MINOS and a consort of DIONYSOS. Her crown, given by ZEUS, is the Corona Borealis. Tradition has it that she was wooed and then deserted by the hero Theseus....
Goddess name
Greek Goddess of water. One of the daughters of Asopus, from whom the town of Cleonae in Peloponnesus was believed to have derived its name. Greek
Goddess name
"Cailleach Bheur"
Celtic / Scottish Goddess of Winter. Depicted as a blue-faced hag who is reborn on October 31 (Samhain). She brings the snow until the goddess BRIGIT deposes her and she eventually turns to stone on April 30 (Beltine). In later times the mythical, witch-like figure of “Black Annis” probably derived from her....
Goddess name
Greek Itonia, Itonias, Itonis or Itonius, a surname of Athena, derived from the town of Iton, in the south of Phthiotis. The goddess there had a celebrated sanctuary and festivals, and is hence also called Incolaltoni. From Iton her worship spread into Boeotia and the country about lake Copais, where the Pamboeotia was celebrated, in the neighbourhood of a temple and grove of Athena. Greek
Goddess name
The essence of the great mother of all gods, equating most closely to GAIA Mother goddess, Greek. Known throughout the Greek Empire and generally the object of devotion by individuals rather than large cult followings. Also known as Meter oriae (mother of the mountain). Her popularity is thought to have spread from northern Ionia. Herodotus mentions a festival of Meter in Kyzikos. Probably derived originally from the western Asiatic great mother (see KYBELE)....
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