Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Bau" | Sumeria | Goddess of fertility, depicted with the head of a dog, and her name means 'bark', 'woof'. Bau was known as the patron deity of Lagash. Sumeria |
Goddess name "Bendis" | Greece | A Thracian divinity in whom the moon was worshipped. Hesychius says "that the poet Cratinus called this goddess Two Spears, either because she had to discharge two duties, one towards heaven and the other towards the earth, or because she bore two lances, or lastly, because she had two lights, the one her own and the other derived from the Sun. In Greece she was sometimes identified with Persephone, but more commonly with Artemis. |
Goddess name "Bhutamata (mother of goblins)" | Hindu | Terrible goddess. A frightful form of PARVATI. Accompanied by a lion. Attribute: phallus (on the head), shield and sword.... |
Goddess name "Bibi" | Gypsy | A goddess of healing & cholera |
Goddess name "Bisam" | India | Goddess of health and diseases. India |
Goddess name "Bona Dea/ Fauna" | Roman | A goddess of fertility, great prophecy, the dispenser of healing herbs & rather prim & chaste |
Goddess name "Bormonia" | Roman | Yet another goddess of healing. Roman |
Goddess name "Borvo" | British / Gaul | God of hot springs equated with Apollo and has similarities to the goddess Sirona, who was also a healing deity åśśociated with mineral springs. British / Gaul |
Goddess name "Brighid" | Celtic | A goddess of education, healing, sore eyes |
Goddess name "Brighid" | Celtic | Goddess of education, healing, sore eyes Celtic |
Goddess name "CERES" | Roman | Mother goddess. Mother goddess. Ceres is arguably the most recent model of the great mother whose predecessors include INANA, IS TAR, ARTEMIS, KYBELE and Demeter on whom she is directly modeled. She is the daughter of KRONOS (Cronus) and RHEA and one of the more important consorts of JUPITER. Ceres was worshiped through the festivals of Thesmophoria and Cerealia in sanctuaries throughout the Greco-Roman empires.... |
Goddess name "CHALCHIUHTLICUE (her skirt is of jade)" | Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico | water goddess. Featuring strongly in creation mythology, Chalchiuhtlicue presided over the fourth of the world ages which terminated in a great deluge. She is the tutelary deity of the fourth of the thirteen heavens identified at the time of the Spanish conquest, Ilhuicatl Citlalicue (the heaven of the star-skirted goddess). She takes the role of a vegetation goddess responsible for the flowering and fruiting of the green world, particularly maize; she also takes responsibility for such natural phenomena as whirlpools. Attributes include a rattle on a baton, and her dress is adorned with waterlilies.... |
Goddess name "CIPACTLI (great earth mother)" | Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico | Primordial goddess. Not strictly a goddess, but significant enough in Aztec cosmogony to be included here. According to tradition she was created in the form of a huge alligator-like monster by the underworld deities MICTLANTECUHLTI and MICTECACIHUATL. She may equate with TLALTECUHTLI, the toad-like earth monster torn apart to form heaven and earth. According to one tradition she emerged from the primordial waters and engaged in a fierce struggle with the Sun god TEZCATLIPOCA during which he tore off her lower jaw to prevent her sinking back into the depths and she bit off his right foot. The mountains are said to be the scaly ridges of her skin.... |
Goddess name "Cakresvari (lady of the cakra)" | Jain / India | Goddess of learning. One of sixteen VIDYADEVI headed by the goddess SARASVATI. Also one of the twenty-four SASANADEVATA or messenger goddesses.... |
Goddess name "Carmenta aka Carmentis" | Roman | Goddess of childbirth, prophecy, charms and spells. Her soothing words ease the pains of women in labour, heal the ills of childhood, foretell the futures of brides and that of their children. Roman |
Goddess name "Carna" | Roman | A Roman goddess who presided over the heart and other organs. |
Goddess name "Cathea" | Mojave | A resplendent, bejewelled goddess of love. Mojave |
Goddess name "Cerridwen" | Wales / Scotland | A moon, grain, education & healing goddess |