
List of Gods : "Goddess Hera" - 28 records

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Name ▲▼ Origin ▲▼ Description ▲▼
Goddess name
"Asertu aka Ashera"
Canaan Asherah, Goddess of fertility. Generally taken as identical with the Ugaritic goddess Athirat Hittite / Canaan
Goddess name
Canaan A goddess of the sea
Goddess name
Canaan moon and goddess of fertility Canaan
Goddess name
"Aschtoreth aka Ascherah"
Canaanitian Aschirat, Goddess of fertility, as well as Sun and ocean. Canaanitian
Goddess name
"Sothis [Greek]"
Egypt Astral goddess. She heralds the Nile inundation as the personification of the star Sirius which rises coincidentally in the dawn sky in July. She is depicted as a nude figure wearing the conical white crown of Lower Egypt surmounted by a star. Late in Egyptian history she becomes largely syncretized with ISIS. Also Sopdet (Egyptian)....
Goddess name
Egypt / Lower Chthonic underworld god. Minor deity in anthropomorphic form known from the Pyramid Texts. Identified with the ninth nome (district). Responsible for rebirth in the afterlife and regarded as a consort of several fertility goddesses. He was revered at Busiris where he clearly heralded the cult of Osiris. Attributes: high conical crown (similar to the atef crown of Osiris) decorated with two tall plumes, crook and flail. In early Pyramid Texts, the feathers are replaced by a bicornuate uterus.See also Osiris....
Goddess name
Egypt Hellenic The astral goddess that heralds Arias of the Nile
Goddess name
Greco - Roman Goddess of fortune. She appears as a nereid in the Hymn to Demeter (Homer). According to Hesiod's Theogony she is the daughter of OKEANOS. Elsewhere she is identified as the daughter of ZEUS and HERA. She is depicted carrying a rudder or, alternatively, cornucopiae. Also mentioned as Agathe Tyche, the consort of Agathos Daemon. She became widely identified with the Asian mother goddess KYBELE but was replaced, in Roman times, by the goddess FORTUNA and åśśociated symbolically with a wheel device. She retained popularity for a long time. There is a record that the Emperor Julian sacrificed to Tyche at Antioch in AD 361-2 and her temple was still intact during the reign of Theodosius (379-95)....
Goddess name
"Anat / Athene"
Greek Anat and Athene In a Cyprian inscription the Greek goddess Athêna Sôteira Nikê is equated with ‘Anat. Anat is also presumably the goddess whom Sanchuniathon calls Athene, a daughter of El, mother unnamed, who with Hermes (that is Anubis) councelled El on the making of a sickle and a spear of iron, presumably to use against his father Uråñuś. However, in the Baal cycle, that rôle is åśśigned to Asherah / Elat and Anat is there called the "Virgin."
Goddess name
Greek God of storms and war. Ares is a lesser known member of the Olympic pantheon of great gods, the son of ZEUS and HERA, who allegedly lived in Thrace. As a warrior god he is contrasted with the more prominent and successful goddess ATHENA who fought and vanquished him in a war between the gods. Although Athena stands for victory in battle through glory and honor, Ares epitomizes the evil and more brutal aspects of warfare. In the eyes of Zeus he is “the most hateful of gods.”
Goddess name
Greek Or Cythera, Cytherias, different forms of a surname of Aphrodite, derived from the town of Cythera in Crete, or from the island of Cythera, where the goddess was said to have first landed, and where she had a celebrated temple. Greek
Goddess name
Greek A daughter of Orchomenus or Minyas, who became by Zeus the mother of the giant Tityus and Zeus, from fear of Hera, concealed her under the earth. (Apollodorus i. Argonautica) This was where she gave birth to Tityas, who some traditions state to be the son of Elara and Gaia, the earth goddess. Greek
Goddess name
Greek Born of Ate and Zeus, or, according to Homer, Hera and Zeus (Iliad IV), she is the goddess who calls forth war and discord. According to the Iliad, she wanders about, at first small and insignificant, but she soon raises her head up to heaven (IV). Greek
Goddess name
Greek The light of the terrestrial regions as Aether is the light of the heavenly regions. The Protogenos and the female personification of day. Both were the offspring of Erebus and Nyx. Hemera was closely identified with Hera, the wife of Zeus, and Eos the goddess of the morning red, who brings up the light of day from the east. Greek
Goddess name
"Hera/ Here"
Greek A goddess of childbirth, marriage, motherhood, of the sky, & storms
Goddess name
Greek These goddesses of evenings and the golden light of Sunset were the famous guardians of the golden apples which Ge had given to Hera at her marriage with Zeus. Their names are Aegle, Erytheia, Hestia, and Arethusa, but their descent is not the same in the different traditions; sometimes they are called the daughters of night or Erebus (Theogony of Hesiod 215), sometimes of Phorcys and Ceto, sometimes of Atlas and Hesperis, whence their names Atlantides or Hesperides, and sometimes of Hesperus, or of Zeus and Themis Greek
Goddess name
Greek Goddess of youth. The daughter of ZEUS and HERA and the consort of HERAKLES. The cup-bearer of the gods of Olympus. In the Roman pantheon she becomes JUVENTAS....
Goddess name
"Iris (rainbow)"
Greek / Roman Messenger goddess. The special attendant of the goddess HERA, Iris is a virgin goddess who forms the Rainbow bridge between heaven and earth. Depicted with wings and carrying a staff....
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