Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Serket[-hetyt]" | Egypt | A minor mortuary goddess |
Goddess name "Serkethetyt" | Egypt | Minor mortuary goddess Egypt |
Goddess name "Serket(-hetyt)" | Egypt | Minor mortuary goddess. Known from the middle of the third millennium BC, she protects the throne of the king in the guise of a scorpion. She is depicted in human form wearing a headpiece in the form of a scorpion with its sting raised. In the Pyramid Texts she is the mother of the scorpion god NEHEBU-KAU. In her role as a mortuary goddess she is partly responsible for guarding the jars containing the viscera of the deceased. Although she is never identified as warding off the effect of scorpion stings, her influence has been regarded as effective against other venomous attacks. Also Selkis (Greek).... |