
List of Gods : "Goddess Land" - 237 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Roman / Celtic / Rhineland Mother goddesses. A trio of matres known from inscriptions....
Goddess name
Scotland A Goddess of protection; of Tungrain origin. Scotland
Goddess name
"Harimella/ Viradechthis"
Scotland A goddess of Tungrain origin
Goddess name
Hawaiian Mother goddess. ] She is the daughter of PAPATUANUKU, the primordial earth mother, and is revered by many people of Polynesia and by the Maori of New Zealand. Her more notable children include PELE, the volcano goddess of Hawaii, and HI'AIKA, the goddess of the dance. As a deity responsible for birth, Haumea possesses a magical wand that she used at the time of creation to engender fruit trees and fish. From time to time she uses it to replenish stocks. Mythology also identifies her as a heroine who saved herself and her consort from enemies at the time of creation by hiding in a breadfruit tree and fending off the attackers with poisonous sap and wood splinters....
Goddess name
Germanic / Nordic / Icelandic Chthonic underworld goddess. The daughter of LOKI and the giantess Angrboda, and the sibling of both the Midgard worm who will cause the sea to flood the world with the lashings of his tail, and of Fenrir, the phantom wolf who will swallow the Sun, at Ragnarok. She is queen of the otherworld, also known as Hell, and she takes command of all who die, except for heroes slain in battle, who ascend to Valhalla. In some mythologies she is depicted as half black and half white. She was adopted into British mythology....
Goddess name
Helen is frequently alleged, in Homeric tradition, to have been a mortal heroine or a demigoddess Goddess [Greek] åśśociated with the city of Troy. In his Catalogues of Women Hesiod, the Greek contemporary of Homer and author of the definitive Theogony of the Greek pantheon, confounds tradition by making Helen the daughter of ZEUS and Ocean. Other Greek authors contemporary with Hesiod give Helen's mother as NEMESIS, the Greco-Roman goddess of justice and revenge, who was raped by Zeus. The mythology placing Helen as a demigoddess identifies her mother as Leda, the mortal wife of Tyndareus, also seduced by Zeus who fathered POLLUX as Helen's brother. However Hesiod strongly denied these claims. Homeric legend describes Helen's marriage to king Menelaus of Sparta and her subsequent abduction by Paris, said to have been the catalyst for the Trojan war. After her death, mythology generally places her among the stars with the Dioscuri (sons of Zeus), better known as Castor and Pollux, the twins of the Gemini constellation. Helen was revered on the island of Rhodes as the goddess Dendritis.See also DISKOURI....
Goddess name
Polynesian / Tahiti moon goddess. In local traditions the daughter of the god TANGAROA and creatrix of the moon, which she governs. She lives in one of its dark spots representing groves of trees which she brought from earth in a canoe and planted. She is also represented as the consort of Tangaroa. Hina probably evolved in Tahiti from the Polynesian underworld goddess HINE-NUITE-PO. Also SINA (Samoa); Ina (Hervey Islands)....
Goddess name
New Ireland Is / Melanesia This goddess is a supreme being, however she is androgynous
Goddess name
Nordic / Icelandic Goddess. A less common name for the goddess Fjorgynn, noted in the Trymskvoia from the Poetic Edda. The mother of THOR....
Goddess name
Egypt The goddess of the Eastern Desert, of fertility and rebirth. She was a personification of the land of the east. Egypt
Goddess name
Finland The virgin goddess of the air. She is portrayed as androgynous with both male and female aspects, though she is primarily female. Despite her virginity, she was the mother of Vainamoinen, the god of music, Lemminkainen, god of magic, and Ilmarinen, the god of smithing. Finland
Goddess name
"Immap Ukua"
Inuit Goddess of the sea, mother to all of the sea creatures Inuit / Greenland
Goddess name
"Immap Ukua"
Inuit / eastern Greenland Sea goddess. The mother of all sea creatures and invoked by fishermen and seal-hunters. See also SEDNA....
Goddess name
Ireland One of the sisters who made up a triple goddess and goddess of summer. Ireland
Goddess name
Nordic / Icelandic earth goddess. In Viking tradition lord embodies the abstract sacredness of the earth. Said to be the mother of THOR and in some legends, the wife of OTHIN.See also FJORGYN....
Goddess name
"Izanagi-No-Kami (his augustness the one who invites)"
Shinto / Japan Creator god. One of seventeen beings involved in creation. His consort is IZANAMI-NO-KAMI. They are strictly of Japanese origin with no Chinese or Buddhist influence. Jointly they are responsible to the other fifteen primordial deities to “make, consolidate and give birth to this drifting land.” The reference, in the Kojiki sacred text, is to the reed beds which were considered to float on the primal waters. The pair were granted a heavenly jeweled spear and they stood upon the floating bridge of heaven, stirring the waters with the spear. When the spear was pulled up, the brine which dripped from it created the island of Onogoro, the first dry land, believed to be the island of Nu-Shima on the southern coast of Awagi. According to mythology, the pair created two beings, a son HIRUKO and an island Ahaji. They generated the remaining fourteen islands which make up Japan and then set about creating the rest of the KAMI pantheon. Izanagi's most significant offspring include AMATERASU, the Sun goddess, born from his nose and SUSANOWO, the storm god, born from his left eye, who are the joint rulers of the universe. Also IzanagiNo-Mikoto....
Goddess name
Icelandic / Germanic An earth goddess mentioned in the Edda by Snorri
Goddess name
Egypt Goddess of darkness åśśociated with the the island of flame Egypt
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