Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Inana" | Mesopotamian / Sumeria | A goddess of fertility, of love & war |
Goddess name "Astlik" | Pre - Christian Armenian | Astral goddess. Derived from the Mesopotamian model of ISTAR. Survived in Christian times as the mother of fairies.... |
Goddess name "Sulsaga" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian | Astral goddess. Sul-utula... |
Goddess name "Zarpanitu(m)" | Mesopotamian / Babylonian - Akkadian | Birth goddess. The consort of MARDIJK whose marriage was celebrated annually at New Year in Babylon. Also Erua; SARPANITJM.... |
Goddess name "Anunnaki" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian | Children and courtiers of the god of heaven. Known from at least 2500 BC until circa 200BC (in Babylon). The Anunnaki originate as chthonic fertility deities but later feature as the seven fearsome judges of the underworld who answer to Kur and ERES KIGAL and who are responsible for påśśing sentences of death including that placed on the goddess INANA. They are often closely identified with the IGIGI.... |
Goddess name "NAMMU" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian / Iraq | Chthonic creator and birth goddess. Nammu is identified in various texts as the goddess of the watery deeps. As a consort of AN she is the mother of ENKI and the power of the riverbed to produce water. Alternatively Nammu is the progenitrix of An and KI, the archetypal deities of heaven and earth. She also engendered other early gods and in one poem is the mother of all mortal life. She molded clay collected by creatures called sig-en-sig-du and brought it to life, thus creating mankind. She is attended by seven minor goddesses and may ultimately have become syncretized with NINHURSAG A.... |
Goddess name "Uras" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian | Chthonic earth goddess. One of the named consorts of the sky god AN and the mother of NIN'INSINNA.... |
Goddess name "Gestin-Ana" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian | Chthonic goddess. The sister of DUMUZI and consort of Ningisida. The so-called heavenly grape-vine, this minor goddess is involved in the account of Dumuzi trying to escape from his fate at the hands of INANA and ERESKIGAL. In her house he is changed into a gazelle before being caught and finally transported to the underworld.... |
Goddess name "Neti" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian | Chthonic underworld god. Chief gatekeeper of the netherworld. The servant of the goddess ERES KIGAL. Neti features prominently in the epic legend of Inanas Descent into the underworld when he opens the seven gates of the realm and admits the goddess, removing one emblem of her power at the threshold of each gate.... |
Goddess name "Allatu(m)" | Western Semitic | Chthonic underworld goddess. Modeled on the Mesopotamian goddess ERESKIGAL and possibly also equating with ARSAY in Canaanite mythology. Recognized by the Carthaginians as Allatu.... |
Goddess name "Belet-Seri" | Mesopotamian / Babylonian - Akkadian | Chthonic underworld goddess. The recorder of the dead entering the otherworld. Known as the Scribe of the earth.... |
Goddess name "Ninsun(a) (lady wild cow)" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian | cow goddess. Tutelary goddess of Gudea of Lagas.. Consort of the Sumerian heroic king Lugalbanda and also identified as the mother of the hero Gilgames..... |
Goddess name "Gunura" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian | deity of uncertain status. Described variously as the husband of the goddess NIN'INSINA and the father of Damu (DUMUZI), but also as the sister of Damu.... |
Goddess name "Sul-pa-e (youthful radiance)" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian | Fertility and astral god. Identified as the personification of the planet Jupiter and, in one list, the consort of the mother goddess NINHURSAG A.... |
Goddess name "Niniiniinna" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian | Fertility goddess. A daughter of An and Uras and probably an alternative name for Istar. She is the consort of the god Pabilsag and is mentioned in respect of a sanctuary built by warad Sin during the Isin dynasty. Texts describe her going to present Enlil with gifts in Nippur. Other inscriptions suggest she was the mother of the god Damu (Dumuzi).... |
Goddess name "ASTORETH" | Philistine , Israel, Lebanon | Fertility goddess. Astoreth equates with the Syrian goddess ASTARTE, both being modeled on the Mesopotamian ISTAR. She was adopted, typically, as goddess of both love and war. She is usually depicted wearing a horned headdress.... |
Goddess name "Nin-Imma" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian | Fertility goddess. Deification of the female sex organs, fathered by Enki with Ninkurra.... |
Goddess name "Baba" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian | Fertility goddess. Locally worshiped in Lagas, where Gudea built her a temple. Also Bau.... |