
List of Gods : "Goddess Mor" - 218 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Shinto / Japan Sun goddess. The central figure of Shintoism and the ancestral deity of the imperial house. One of the daughters of the primordial god IZANAGI and said to be his favorite offspring, she was born from his left eye. She is the sibling of SUSANO-WO, the storm god. According to mythology she and Susano-Wo are obliged to join each other in order to survive....
Goddess name
Amorite, Canaanite,Phoenician, Lebanon, Syria Mother goddess. Aserah is the great mother goddess of Canaan. Known as “Lady Aserah of the sea,” she seems to have lived close by the place of IL, the Canaanite creator god, and is said to have had many sons. She is described as the “creatress of the gods” and the matron of a number of other goddesses who oversee the natural world. She is also ambiguous in her attitude to BAAL. She intercedes with Il when Baal wishes to build a palace of his own yet, when he is vanquished, she attempts to place one of her own offspring on the throne....
Goddess name
Celtic Goddess queen who no mortal man could sexually satisfy, so she took a giant from the faery realm as her mate. Celtic
Goddess name
"Adidharma (the primeval law)"
Buddhist - Lamaist / Tibet Primordial goddess. Particularly worshiped in Lamaism, she is the SAKTI of ADIBUDDHA. Attributes: cup and knife....
Goddess name
"Aditya (descendant of Aditi)"
Hindu / Vedic / Puranic Collective name for Sun gods. These numbered six in Vedic times but later increased to twelve. The sons of the primordial goddess ADITI. Also an epithet for SURYA. Attributes: two or more lotuses....
Goddess name
Nigeria Goddess of fertility, morality and of justice. Nigeria
Goddess name
"Amaunet (the hidden one)"
Egypt / Upper Fertility goddess. Amaunet seems to have a taken a role as an early consort of AMUN, one of the eight deities of the OGDOAD and representing hidden power. In that context she is depicted anthropomorphically but with the head of a snake. She is shown in reliefs and as the subject of a notable statue from the Record Hall of Tuthmosis III at the Karnak complex of Thebes, where she was recognized as a benign protective deity especially called on at times of royal accession. As a fertility goddess she was largely eclipsed by the goddess MUT. She is sometimes equated with NEITH, the creator goddess of Sais, and her attributes may include the red crown of the Delta....
Goddess name
Hindu / India / Dravidian Primordial mother goddess who laid an egg that hatched into the Divine trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Hindu / India / Dravidian
Goddess name
Hindu - Dravidian Primordial mother goddess. Known locally from east central India and worshiped by the Dravidian tribe of Telugu. She is said to have generated the cosmic egg in the sea of milk from which the major gods BRAHMA, VIS'NU and SIVA were born....
Goddess name
Roman God of love. Developed from the Greek god Eros. Depicted as a winged youth. According to tradition he awoke the goddess Psyche with a kiss. Attributes include arrows, bow and torch. The popular epithet Cupid was only applied by poets....
Goddess name
Hebrew / Israel The goddess ‘Anat is never mentioned in Hebrew scriptures as a goddess, though her name is apparently preserved in the city names Beth Anath and Anathoth. Anathoth seems to be a plural form of the name, perhaps a shortening of bêt ‘anatôt 'House of the ‘Anats', either a reference to many shrines of the goddess or a plural of intensification. The ancient hero Shamgar son of ‘Anat is mentioned in Judges 3.31;5:6 which raises the idea that this hero may have been imagined as a demi-god, a mortal son of the goddess.
Goddess name
Egypt / Lower Chthonic underworld god. Minor deity in anthropomorphic form known from the Pyramid Texts. Identified with the ninth nome (district). Responsible for rebirth in the afterlife and regarded as a consort of several fertility goddesses. He was revered at Busiris where he clearly heralded the cult of Osiris. Attributes: high conical crown (similar to the atef crown of Osiris) decorated with two tall plumes, crook and flail. In early Pyramid Texts, the feathers are replaced by a bicornuate uterus.See also Osiris....
Goddess name
"Anu aka Anann"
Ireland Dana, Dana-Ana, Catana. Mother earth, Great Goddess, Greatest of all Goddesses. Another aspect of the Morrigu. The fertility Goddess, sometimes she formed a trinity with Badb and Macha. Her priestesses comforted and taught the dying. Fires were lit for her on Midsummer. Guardian of cattle and health. Ireland
Goddess name
"Anu/ Anann/ Dana/ Dana Ana/ Catana"
Irish A mother goddess åśśociated with fertility & the primordial mother
Goddess name
Chaldea A goddess of the morning star
Goddess name
Greek God of storms and war. Ares is a lesser known member of the Olympic pantheon of great gods, the son of ZEUS and HERA, who allegedly lived in Thrace. As a warrior god he is contrasted with the more prominent and successful goddess ATHENA who fought and vanquished him in a war between the gods. Although Athena stands for victory in battle through glory and honor, Ares epitomizes the evil and more brutal aspects of warfare. In the eyes of Zeus he is “the most hateful of gods.”
Goddess name
Greek A fabulous horse, which Poseidon begot by Demeter; for in order to escape from the pursuit of Poseidon, the goddess had metamorphosed herself into a mare, and Poseidon deceived her by åśśuming the figure of a horse. Demeter afterwards gave birth to the horse Arion, and a daughter, Despoena.
Goddess name
"Arm (2)"
Celtic / Irish Chthonic mother goddess. Closely åśśociated with fertility and the primordial mother of the TUATHA DE DANANN. Twin hills near Killarney in Munster are called “The Paps of Anu.” Also Ana....
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