
List of Gods : "Goddess Mou" - 76 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Anatolia mountain Mother and a fertility and vegetation goddess. Anatolia
Goddess name
Greco - Roman Chthonic or earth goddess. Originally, in pre-Homeric times, a mountain spirit who subsequently became a minor consort of ZEUS. The Romans worshiped her as an obscure goddess of the plains who became briefly a consort of JUPITER, and they perceived her as the mother of the messenger god Mercury. Her cult was åśśociated with that of VulcanUS. Possibly the origin of the name of the month of May.See also MERCURIUS....
Goddess name
"Mama-Kilya (mother moon)"
Inca / pre - Columbian South America / Peru, etc moon goddess. The consort of the Sun god INTI, she is important in the calculation of time and regulating the Inca festival calendar. The Indians consider that an eclipse of the moon is a time of great danger, caused by a mountain lion or snake eating the moon, and perform a ritual making as much noise as possible to frighten the predator off....
Goddess name
Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian Mother goddess. Identified in the Atrahasis texts and other creation legends and probably synonymous with NINHURSAG A. She was involved in the creation of mankind from clay and blood. The name almost certainly came into use because it is the first word that a child formulates. Also Mama; Mammitum....
Goddess name
Syria Goddess of mountains, part of the pair with the weather god Syria
Goddess name
"Manuzi/ Liluri"
Syria A mountain goddess, part of the pair with the weather god
Goddess name
Hindu Goddess of mountains Hindu
Goddess name
Hindu mountain goddess. The consort of HIMAVAN and the mother of GANGA and PARVATI....
Goddess name
The essence of the great mother of all gods, equating most closely to GAIA Mother goddess, Greek. Known throughout the Greek Empire and generally the object of devotion by individuals rather than large cult followings. Also known as Meter oriae (mother of the mountain). Her popularity is thought to have spread from northern Ionia. Herodotus mentions a festival of Meter in Kyzikos. Probably derived originally from the western Asiatic great mother (see KYBELE)....
Goddess name
Lovedu / South Africa Rain goddess. She is said to reside in the northern Drakensberg mountains and sends both destructive tempests and gentle generative Rain. In past times she was propitiated with sacrifices of cattle and occasionally young girls. She is represented by a lineage of mortal queens on whose fabulous reputation the author Rider Haggard based the novel She. Also Modjadji....
Goddess name
"Muso Koroni (the pure woman with the primeval soul)"
Bambara / Mali, West Africa Chthonic fertility goddess. The mother of all living things, she introduced mankind to the principles of farming. She has a terrifying appearance, depicted either in human form, sometimes with many breasts (cf. ARTEMIS at Ephesus), or as a panther. In the latter guise she uses her claws to bring on menstruation in women and to cirçúɱcise both sexes. Prior to cirçúɱ cision a youth is said to possess wanzo, an untamed wildness. Muso Koroni is pursued by the Sun god, PEMBA, who impregnates her in the form of a tree (Acacia albida). Also Mousso Coronie....
Goddess name
Egypt The patron goddess of Thebes. In Upper Egypt she is the counterpart of SAKHMET, the Lower Egyptian goddess from Memphis. After superseding the goddess AMAUNET, she became locally the consort of the Sun god AMUN, in which capacity she is the mother of the moon god KHONSU. She was also regarded as the Divine mother of the Theban kings. Mut is depicted in human form wearing a vulture headdress sur mounted by the twin crowns of Upper and Lower Egypt. She is typically dressed in a bright red or blue patterned gown. Less frequently she is drawn with a lion's head. She enjoyed a cult center at Thebes where her sanctuary was known as the Iseru....
Goddess name
"NINURTA (lord plough)"
Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian / Iraq God of thunderstorms and the plough. Ninurta is the Sumerian god of farmers and is identified with the plough. He is also the god of thunder and the hero of the Sumerian pantheon, closely linked with the confrontation battles between forces of good and evil that characterize much of Mesopotamian literature. He is one of several challengers of the malignant dragon or serpent Kur said to inhabit the empty space between the earth's crust and the primeval sea beneath. Ninurta is the son of Enlil and Ninhursaga a, alternatively Ninlil, and is the consort of Gula, goddess of healing. He is attributed with the creation of the mountains which he is said to have built from giant stones with which he had fought against the demon Asag. He wears the horned helmet and tiered skirt and carries a weapon Sarur which becomes personified in the texts, having its own intelligence and being the chief adversary, in the hands of Ninurta, of Kur. He carries the double-edged scimitar-mace embellished with lions' heads and, according to some authors, is depicted in nonhuman form as the thunderbird lmdugud (sling stone), which bears the head of a lion and may represent the hailstones of the god. His sanctuary is the E-padun-tila. Ninurta is perceived as a youthful warrior and probably equates with the Babylonian heroic god Marduk. His cult involved a journey to Eridu from both Nippur and Girsu. He may be compared with Is”kur, who was worshiped primarily by herdsmen as a storm god....
Goddess name
"Naeeeegaaei (slayer of alien gods)"
Navaho / USA God of war. The most powerful of the Navaho war gods. The son of the Sun god TSOHANOAI and the fertility goddess ESTSANATLEHI. According to tradition, he vanquished a race of giants who had nearly destroyed the human race. He is a benevolent god, ready to help mankind in times of trouble. He also cures diseases brought about through witchcraft. Said to live at the junction of two rivers in the San Juan valley, he is invoked by warriors preparing for battle. His priest wears a buckskin bag mask, painted black and adorned with five zigzag lightning streaks, the eye and mouth holes covered with white sea shells. He also wears a fox skin collar, a crimson cloth around the hips and a leather belt with silver ornamentation, but is otherwise naked. No depictions are made of this deity....
Goddess name
"Nantosuelta (winding river)"
Celtic / Gallic Goddess of water. Identified as a possible consort of the god SUCELLOS. She frequently holds a pole surmounted by a dove-cote. In addition she carries the cornucopia of a fertility or mother goddess, but is also a domestic guardian deity and is often depicted with ravens, which may suggest further links with the underworld....
Goddess name
Roman / Celtic Goddess of seafarers. Worshiped extensively between the second and thirteenth centuries AD, particularly in the Netherlands with sanctuaries at Domberg at the mouth of the Rhine and Colijnsplaat on the Scheldt. Probably began as a tribal deity of the Morini tribe. She is generally depicted with the attributes of fertility—a basket of fruit or cornucopia. She may also often have a small lapdog. Alternatively, she stands with one foot on the prow of a boat and grasps an oar or the rope....
Goddess name
"Parna-Savari (dressed in leaves)"
Buddhist / Mahayana Goddess. An emanation of AKSOBHYA and BODHISATTVA or buddha-designate. Also one of a group of DHARANIS (deifications of literature). She is particularly recognized in the northwest of India. Her vehicle is GANESA surmounting obstacles. Color: yellow or green. Attributes: arrow, ax, bow, flower, noose, peaçõçk feather, skin and staff. She is depicted as having three eyes and three heads....
Goddess name
"Parvati/ Sakti/ Ahladini-Sadini/ Sati/ Uma"
Hindu / Puranic / Epic / India A goddess of the mountains
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