Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Amphitrite" | Greek | According to Hesiod (Theogony) and Apollodorus a Nereid, though in other places Apollodorus calls her an Oceanid. She is represented as the wife of Poseidon and the goddess of the sea (the Mediterranean), and she is therefore a kind of female Poseidon. |
Goddess name "Chthonia" | Greek | May mean the subterraneous, or the goddess of the earth, that is, the protectress of the fields, whence it is used as a surname of infernal divinities, such as Hecate, Nyx and Melinoe, but especially of Demeter. Greek |
Goddess name "Ja neb'a" | Slavic | Benevolent goddess of the earth who can alter the physical structure of magma and stone, Terrakinesis. Slavic |
Goddess name "Leukothea" | Greco - Roman | Sea goddess. Popular around the coasts of the Mediterranean with fishing communities. A mermaid who was originally Ino, a mortal daughter of Kadmos. She was wet nurse to DIONYSOS (BACCHUS), but became mad and threw herself in the sea with her son Melikertes. In another version of the story she was escaping the wrath of Athamas, king of Thebes. The gods elevated her to the status of goddess and her son became the god PALAEMON.... |
Goddess name "Melinoe" | Greek | Or Chthonia, may mean the subterraneous, or the goddess of the earth, that is, the protectress of the fields, whence it is used as a surname of infernal divinities, such as Hecate, but especially of Demeter. Greek |
Goddess name "Tellus" | Roman | Chthonic primordial earth mother. A corn deity, generally regarded as benevolent, but also a goddess of the dead. Enemy armies were offered to her and cursed in her name. Both she and the corn goddess CERES were propitiated with human sacrifice. Also TERRA MATER.... |
Goddess name "Terra/ Terra Mater" | Roman | A goddess of the earth |