Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Tara (power of hunger)" | Hindu / Vedic, Epic / Puranic | (1) Goddess. May originally have had astral connotations, since the word can be interpreted as star. One of a group of MAHAVIDYAS personifying the SAKTI of SI IVA. She may also be the consort of CANDRA (SOMA). Aspects include Krodharatri. Attributes: knife, skin, skull, snakes and sword. Three-eyed.(2) Goddess. Buddhist (Mahayana and Vajrayana). An epithet of the mother of the BUDDHA, Maya. Also one of a series of female deities, the DHYANIBUDDHASAKTI considered to be aspects of the Sakti of AVALOKITESVARA or of AMOGASHIDDHI. She may also be the Sakti of ADIBIDDHA and of the various DHYANIBUDDHAS, in which case she is characterized by their colors. These Taras thus become White Tara and so on.See also BHRKUTI, EKAJATA, KURUKULLA, SITATARA and SYAMATARA. In Tibetan Buddhism she is known as sGrol-ma.... |
Goddess name "Ame-No-Taiabata-Hime-No-Mikoto" | Shinto / Japan | Astral goddess of weavers. One of two star apotheoses who are, according to tradition, deeply in love with each other. Her partner is HIKOBOSHI. Her name is generally abbreviated to Tanabata, the title of a festival in honor of the goddess which became a national event in Japan in AD 755. The festival later became merged with the Tibetan Bon Ullumbana festival of the dead. Also Shokujo.... |
Goddess name "Hikoboshi" | Shinto / Japan | Astral god. The consort of the star goddess AME-NO-TANABATA-HINE-NOMIKOTO. The two are, according to mythology, deeply in love. Their festival was merged with the Tibetan Bon festival of the dead, the Ullumbana. Also Kengyu-Sei.... |
Goddess name "Dakini Guru" | Tibetan | A goddess of teaching |
Goddess name "Khon-Ma" | Tibetan | Chthonic goddess. Ruler of a horde of demons who live in the earth and who may infest houses. She is depicted typically wearing yellow robes and with attributes including a golden noose. Her vehicle is a ram. To guard against her influence, a ram's skull is hung from the doorpost of a dwelling and filled with offerings.... |