Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "AVALOKITESVARA (merciful lord)" | Buddhist / India | Bodhisattva or buddhadesignate. One of the most important deities of the Mahayana sect of Buddhism. In Lamaism he is the tutelary god of Tibet. He equates with VIS NU in Hinduism and bears links with PADMAPANI. In cosmic mythology he is a creator deity. Color: white or red. Attributes: blue lotus, image of Amitabha (topmost pyramidal head), lotus, rosary, sword and water jar. NOTE: in Chinese Buddhism he is represented by the goddess Kuan-Tin, and in Japanese by KWANNON.... |
Goddess name "Aparajita (unconquered)" | Hindu / Puranic | (1) God. One of the eleven EKADASARUDRAS or forms of RUDRA. Attributes: bell, bowl, club, drum, hook, lance, lotus, prayer wheel, rod, rosary, shield, sword and trident.(2) Minor god. Buddhist (Mahayana). (3) Goddess. Hindu (Puranic). Form of DURGA. Her attendant animal is a lion. Attributes: arrow, shield, snake and sword. 4. Goddess. Buddhist (Mahayana). She stands or treads on the god GANESA. Color: yellow. Attributes: bell, hook, image of RATNASAMBHAVA, noose and staff.... |
God name "BUDDHA" | Buddhist / India | The founder of Buddhism. The deity is regarded as having been an historical figure, born at Kapilavastu near Gorakhpur. He died at Kusinagara in circa 486 BC. His father was SUDDHODANA of the Sakya clan, his mother was MAYA and his wife YASODHARA. Buddha is, in certain respects, the equal of the Hindu god VIS NU. H... |
Goddess name "Bhima (terrible)" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | (1) warrior god. A prince of the mythical Pandu family and one of the heroes of the Mahabharata epic, Bhima is usually depicted wielding a sword and a club. He is a son of the god of the winds VAYU. He is perceived as a god of immense strength and great cruelty, which separates him from the heroic figure of ARJUNA, his brother, with whom he is linked in the epic. Attribute: a club. Also Bhimasena. 2. Minor goddess. Buddhist (Mahayana). An attendant of BUDDAKEPALA.... |
Goddess name "Bhutadamara (tumult of demons)" | Buddhist / Mahayana | God. May be depicted reclining on the Hindu goddess APARAJITA. Attributes: snakes in the hair, and staff. Three-eyed.... |
God name "Budha" | Hindu / Vedic / Epic / Puranic / Buddhist | An astral god |
Planet name "Budha (awakening)" | Hindu / Vedic, Epic / Puranic | (1) Astral god. The personification of the planet Mercury. The son of SOMA (CANDRA) and TARA or ROHINI. Depicted in a chariot drawn by eight horses or lions (sometimes a single lion). Color: yellow. Attributes: bow, club, rosary, shield and sword. Also Candraja and Candrasuta. 2. Astral god. Buddhist. The personification of the planet Mercury. Stands on a lotus. Attributes: bow and arrow.... |
Goddess name "Camunda" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | (1) Goddess. A distinct form of DURGA. The name is said to be a contraction of the names of the demonic beings Camda and Munda killed by her. She is also recognized among the SAPTAMATARA and ASTAMATARA mothers as well as sometimes being regarded as a NAVASAKTI. She stands variously on a lion, an owl and a corpse. Attributes: a large and varied åśśortment of objects are held. Three-eyed. Also YAMI.(2) Goddess. Buddhist. She stands upon a corpse. Color: red. Attributes: cup and knife.... |
Planet name "Candra" | Hindu / Puranic / Epic / Buddhist | A planet god commonly affiliated with the moon |
Goddess name "Candra" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | (1) Planet god. Personified by the moon and also seen as a dikpala or guardian of the northern direction. Consorts include KAUMUDI, TARA and the NAKSATRAS or astral goddesses. His son is BUDHA. He drives in a chariot drawn by ten white horses. Color: white. Attributes: club, lotus, sacred rope and prayer wheel. The term candra usually refers to the cup containing the sacrificial yellow beverage SOMA, often a synonym for the deity. Candra is also the apotheosis of the pale yellow moon disc. 2. Planet god. Buddhist. Attended by a goose. Color: white. Attributes: moon disc on a lotus.... |
Goddess name "Dharani (earth)" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | (1) Goddess. Consort of PARASURAMA and an avatara of the goddess LAKSMI.(2) Collective name for a group of deities. Buddhist. Twelve personifications of a particular kind of short mystical religious text used as a charm. Also dharini.... |
Goddess name "Digambara (naked)" | Buddhist - Lamaist / Tibet | Goddess. The SAKTI of Yogambara. Attribute: a bowl. NOTE: Digambara is also an epithet of the goddess KALI in Hindu religion.... |
Goddess name "Diksa (initiation)" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | Goddess. The consort of Ugra and mother of SANTANA. Also the name of the Buddhist Tantric initiation ceremony.... |
God name "Ganapati (lord of hosts)" | Hindu / Puranic | (1) God. The more commonly recognized name of the elephant god GANESA, particularly favored in western India.(2) God. Buddhist (Mahayana). The name of a deity influenced by the Hindu god Ganesa. Depicted riding upon a rat or mouse and carrying an åśśortment of attributes.... |
Demon name "Garuda (the devourer)" | Hindu / Vedic | Archaic Sun god and Divine vehicle. Originally depicted as a solar deity, Garuda evolved into a bird-like human hybrid who became the deified mount of VIS'NU. Also a chief adversary of nagas (snake-like demons), which he devours. In early depictions Garuda has a parrot's beak. Said to have been born from an egg, the son of Vinata and KASYAPA. Epithets include Amrtaharana, Garutman, Tarksya. Attributes: conch, club, lotus and nectar, but may also bear the attributes of Vis'nu.(2) Mount or vahana of VAJRAPANI. Buddhist. Attributes: flower, horse-head, noose, skin and staff. Three-eyed and three-headed.... |
Goddess name "Gauri (whitish brilliant)" | Hindu / Vedic / Puranic | (1) Goddess. Consort of the god VARUNA, said to have been created at the churning of the ocean of milk. An epithet of PARVATI as a goddess of the corn. Also a SAKTI of Mahesvara, a minor aspect of S IVA. Her attendant animal is a lion or a wolf. Attributes: fish, Forest garland, image of GANESA, lotus, mirror, rosary, trident and water jar. Three-eyed. Also Varuni.(2) Goddess. Buddhist. One of eight GAURIS of terrible appearance. Attributes: head and noose.(3) Messenger goddess. Jain [India]. A SASANADEVATA. Also one of sixteen VIDYADEVIS or goddesses of learning headed by SARASVATI. Color: white. Attribute: a hook.... |
Goddess name "Hariti (green or stealing)" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | (1) Mother goddess. One of the group of MATARAS (mothers) who are the patrons of children. Considered by some to be identical with the goddess Vriddhi. Her consort is Pancika, alternatively KUBERA. In her destructive aspect she steals and eats children. Particularly known from the north and northwest of India. Attribute: a child may be held at her hip, sometimes being eaten.(2) Plague goddess. Buddhist. Associated with smallpox. Also regarded in some texts as the goddess of fertility.... |
Demon name "Hayagriva (horse neck)" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | (1) The most significant minor incarnation of the god VIS'NU. He probably originated as a horse god and later became an avatara åśśociated with wisdom and knowledge. At the behest of BRAHMA, Hayagriva rescued the Vedas, stolen by two demons, from the bottom of the primeval ocean. Depicted in human form with the head of a horse and, according to the texts, eight hands. Attributes: Book (Veda), horse's mane and rosary. Also the attributes of Vis'nu. Also Hayasirsa, Vadavavaktra.(2) Patron god of horses. Buddhist-Lamaist [Tibet]. One of a group of DHARMAPALA with terrible appearance and royal attire, he is considered to be an emanation of AKSOBHYA or AMITABHA. His SAKTI is MARICI. Color: red. Attributes: horse heads, staff and trident, but also arrow, ax, banner, bow, club, flames, flower, image of Aksobhya or Amitabha on the crown, lotus, noose, prayer wheel, skin, snakes, sword and trident. Three-eyed.... |