Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Deity name "Tarquiup Inua" | Inuit | A lunar deity. Inuit |
God name "Tekkeitserktock" | Inuit | God of hunting and the earth. Inuit |
Goddess name "Tootega" | Inuit | Tootega is a wisened old goddess, who lives in a stone hut and has the ability to walk on water. Inuit |
God name "Tornarssuk" | Inuit | A god of the underworld and head of the protective gods known as the tornat. Inuit |
Deities name "Tornarssuk (big tornak or shaman)" | Inuit | Supreme being. The master of the tornat, the group of controlling deities. He is essentially benevolent and can be communicated with through the individual tornak of a shaman. His home is in the underworld in the land of souls. He is described as being of vague appearance, possibly in the guise of a huge bear, though in Greenland Inuit tradition he lives in the sea, appearing as a large fat seal with long tentacles (i.e. possibly a cuttlefish). He devours the souls of those he can capture. With the introduction of Christianity he was syncretized with the devil.... |
God name "Tornat" | Inuit | Tornat are a group of protective gods, led by Tornarsuk. Inuit |
Deities name "Torngasoak" | Inuit | A very powerful sky god, one of the more important deities in the Inuit pantheon. |
"Tulugaak" | Inuit | The creator of light. Inuit |
God name "Tunek" | Inuit | God of seal hunters. Inuit |
God name "Tunek" | Inuit | God of seal hunters. A fearsome being of huge stature (13 feet tall) who lives on the ice fields and is capable of running very fast. He also sits in his kaiak in the fog and catches seal in huge traps.... |