Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
King name "Apis" | Greek | A son of Phoroneus by the nymph Laodice, and brother of Niobe. He was king of Argos, established a tyrannical government and called Peloponnesus after his own name but he was killed in a conspiracy headed by Thelxion and Telchin. Greek |
God name "Utnapishtim" | Sumerian | Utnapishtim is the wise king of the Sumerian city state of Shuruppak who, along with his wife, survived a great flood sent by Enlil to drown every living thing on earth. Utnapishtim was secretly warned by the water god Ea of Enlil's planned and constructed a great boat or ark to save himself, his family and representatives of each species of animal. |