Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "Almaqah aka Ilmuqah" | Arabic | The moon god of the South Arabian kingdom of Saba and the Ethiopian kingdoms of D'mt and Aksum. The ruling dynasty of Saba regarded themselves as his children. Arabic |
God name "Amm" | Arabian | moon god worshipped in ancient Qataban. The inhabitants of that South Arabian kingdom referred to themselves as the Banu Amm, or the "Children of Amm". |
God name "Asira" | Pre - Islamic northern Arabian | Local god. Mentioned only in name by the Babylonian king Nabonidus, worshiped at Taima and influenced strongly by Egyptian culture.See also SALM.... |
Goddess name "Atars'amain (morning star of heaven)" | Pre - Islamic northern / central Arabian | Astral deity of uncertain gender. Worshiped particularly by the Isamme tribe, but revered widely among other Arabs. Known from circa 800 BC and identified in letters of the Assyrian kings Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal. May be synonymous with the Arab goddess ALLAT whose cult was centered on Palmyra.... |
King name "Jinn" | Arabian | A sort of fairies in Arabian mythology, the offspring of fire. They propagate their species like human beings, and are governed by a race of kings named Suleyman, one of whom built the pyramids. Their chief abode is the mountain Kaf, and they appear to men under the forms of serpents, dogs, cats, monsters, or even human beings, and become invisible at pleasure. The evil jinn are hideously ugly, but the good are exquisitely beautiful. According to fable, they were created from fire two thousand years before Adam was made of earth. The singular of jinn is jinnee. |
God name "Malik (king)" | Pre - Islamic northern Arabian | Tutelary god. Known from inscriptions.... |
God name "Salm of Mahram (image of Mahram)" | Pre - Islamic northern Arabian | Local tutelary god. Correspondence of the Babylonian king Nabonidus (559-539 BC) mentions that this deity was worshiped at Taima, an important trade and religious center where he was head of the pantheon. Gods in the region were often named after local places and personified by a stone stele carved with schematic anthropomorphic features and a winged disc showing strong Egyptian influence. Also Salman.... |
God name "Singala" | Pre - Islamic northern Arabian | Local god. Mentioned only in name by the Babylonian king Nabonidus, worshiped at Taima and influenced strongly by Egyptian culture.See also SALM OF MAHRAM.... |