Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "Aker" | Egypt | Chthonic earth god of påśśage. Known from the Old kingdom (circa 2700 BC onward). Controls the interface between eastern and western horizons of the underworld, and is the guardian of the gate through which the king påśśes into the underworld. Aker provides a safe course for the barque of the Sun god during its påśśage through the underworld at night. He may be seen as the socket holding the boat's mast. He is also considered benevolent against snake bites. Represented by opposite facing pairs of human or lion heads.... |
Goddess name "Badi Mata" | Hindu / northern Indian | Mother goddess. A SAKTI and one of the seven SAPTAMATARAS (mothers) who in later Hinduism became regarded as of evil intent, attacking children during puberty. Particularly recognized in Bengal.... |
Spirit name "Bali Penyalong" | Borneo | The beneficent supreme being who is never addressed without the slaughter of one or more pigs, and also that no domestic pig is ever slaughtered without being charged beforehand with some message or prayer to him, which its spirit may carry up to him. But the most important function of the pig is the giving of information as to the future course of events by means of the markings on its liverHe is also god of war. The Kenyahs, Borneo |
Goddess name "Benthesicyme" | Greek | An Ethiopian sea nymph, a goddess of the waves and a daughter of Poseidon and Amphitrite, the wife of king Enalos. She raised Eumolpus, son of Chione and Poseidon. (Apollodorus iii) Her husband Enalos: of the sea, may have been Triton, the god of lake Tritonis in Greek |
God name "Benu" | Egypt / Upper | Transmuted bird-like form of a Sun god. A deity mentioned in Pyramid Texts (circa twenty-fifth century BC) and linked with the Sun god of Heliopolis, ATUM. He is also said to have been self-created from the primeval ocean and is sometimes a symbol of rebirth in the afterlife. Benu may have augmented the Greek clåśśical tradition of the Phoenix. He appears in the Old kingdom as a yellow wagtail but later becomes a heron, wearing the conical white crown of Upper Egypt with two slender feathers pointing backwards from its crest.... |
King name "Chilminar and Balbec" | Persian | Two cities built by the Genii, acting under the orders of Jan ben Jan, who governed the world long before the time of Adam. Chilminar, or the "Forty Pillars," is Persepolis. These two cities were built as lurking places for the Genii to hide in. Persian |
King name "Finvarra" | Ireland | Is the High king of the Daoine Sidhe in Irish folklore. In some legends, he is also the king of the Dead. Finvarra is a benevolent figure who ensures good harvests, strong horses, and great riches to those who will åśśist him. Ireland |
King name "Gian ben Gian" | Arabia | king of the Ginns or Genii, and founder of the Pyramids. He was overthrown by Azazil or Lucifer. Arabia |
God name "Hastseyalti (talking elder)" | Navaho / USA | Chief of gods. Not regarded as a creator deity, but god of the dawn and the eastern sky. Also guardian of animals in the hunt and, possibly, of corn. Regarded as a benevolent deity who aids mankind and cures disease. He also has a malevolent aspect in which he can cast evil spells. His priest invokes him in a ceremonial dance wearing a white mask with a symbol consisting of a corn stalk with two ears. At the bottom is a horizontal yellow band representing evening light, with eight vertical black strokes representing Rain. Also Yebitsai.... |
Goddess name "Ipy" | Egypt | Mother goddess. In the Pyramid Texts Ipy appears occasionally as a benevolent guardian and wet nurse to the king. She is also perceived to exert a benign influence on amulets. Depicted as a hippopotamus or anthropomorphically with a hippo's head. Also Ipet.... |
King name "MacCuill" | Ireland | Son of the hazel, one of the last Tuath kings, was so-called because he worshipped the hazel. Fairies danced beneath the hawthorn. Ogham tablets were of yew. Lady Wilde styled the elder a sacred tree; and the blackthorn, to which the Irishman is said to be still devoted, was a sacred tree. Ireland |
Goddess name "Meretseger" | Egypt | Localized chthonic goddess åśśociated with the underworld. At Thebes she acted in either benign or destructive fashion against workers building tombs in the Valley of the kings. She is generally depicted as a coiled cobra which may possess a human head and arm. One of the best representations is on the sarcophagus of Rameses III. She lost her popularity when the use of Thebes as a royal cemetery was discontinued early in the first millennium BC.... |
God name "Muluku" | Congo | The creator god of the Benue-Congo-speaking Makua and Banayi people of Mozambique. Muluku created men and women, and gave them the art of using tools, but the humans were disobedient. So Muluku called up monkey and she monkey. He gave them tools, and the monkeys used them well. So Muluku cut off the tails of the monkeys and fastened them to the man and the woman, saying to the monkeys, "Be men," and to the humans, "Be monkeys." Macoua |
Goddess name "NA CHA (here is a loud cry)" | Taoist / Chinese | Guardian god. A somewhat ambiguous god who is generally regarded as benevolent, but whose traditions hint at a more destructive aspect. He was born a god of human parents, the reincarnation of an older deity, Ling Chu-Tzu, the intelligent pearl. According to tradition, his father was Li Ching, who threatened to kill his mother because she claimed she was made pregnant by the mystical actions of a Taoist priest who told her she was to bear the child of a unicorn. Na Cha is said to have fought in the Shang-Chou war on the side of the Chou dynasty circa 1027 BC. His chief adversary was the sea dragon king. Ultimately he became involved with the goddess Shih-Chi Niang Niang, accidentally killed her attendant and, in remorse, committed suicide.... |
King name "Nibelungen Hoard" | German | A mythical måśś of gold and precious stones, which Siegfried obtained from the Nibelungs, and gave to his wife Kriemhild as her marriage portion. It was guarded by Albric the dwarf. After the murder of Siegfried, his widow removed the hoard to Worms; here Hagan seized it, and buried it secretly beneath "the Rhine at Lochham," intending at a future time to enjoy it, "but that was ne'er to be." Kriemhild married Etzel with the view of avenging her wrongs. In time Gunther, with Hagan and a host of Burgundians, went to visit king Etzel, and Kriemhild stirred up a great broil, at the end of which a most terrible slaughter ensued. Volsunga Saga |
King name "Utixo" | Khoi | A benevolent deity who lived in the sky, sending Rain for the crops, and speaking with thunder. Khoi |