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Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "Accasbel" | Ireland | A Partholan who is credited with making the first tavern in Ireland. Most likely was an early God of wine or meade. Rules over the vine harvest, Beltane's blessing of the meade. Ireland |
Goddess name "Aebhel aka Aeval" | Ireland | Goddess who in popular legend is a faery, who held a midnight court to hear the debate on whether the men were keeping their women sexually satisfied. She commanded that the men bow to the women's sexual wishes. Rules over Lust, sex magic, wisdom in making judgements. Ireland |
Goddess name "Aimend" | Ireland / Scotland | Minor Sun Goddess who is thought to be the daughter of the king of the region known as Corco Loidhe. Ireland / Scotland |
Goddess name "Aine" | Ireland | A faerie goddess, sister to Fennine, daughter to Egogabal who was a king of the Tuatha de Danann. Ireland |
God name "Baile" | Ireland | Baile of the Honeyed Speech, God of Blarney. Rules over quick and clear thinking, speeches, ideas, impressing someone, mental activity, speaking, protection for lovers, blessing magic wands. Ireland |
Goddess name "Bariba" | Celtic / Irish | Fertility goddess. One of the aspects of the MORRIGAN. A name of the Sovereignty of Ireland to whom the king was married in symbolic ceremony. Also a goddess of war capable of changing shape from girl to hag, and into birds and animals.See also BADB, ERIU, Fodla, Medb and MAEVE.... |
King name "Breasal" | Welsh / Cornwall | A legendary High king of Ireland of the 2nd or 3rd century BCE. Welsh / cornwall |
God name "Bres Macelatha" | Celtic / Irish | vegetation god. The son of ERIU and of the Fomorian king Elatha. He is therefore part TUATHA DE DANAAN by parentage but, having become Lord of Ireland, he sides with the Fomorians in the Battle of Moytura and is defeated. Concerned with the supply of food from the land.... |
God name "Credne aka Creidhne" | Ireland | A son of Brigid and Tuireann and the artificer of the Tuatha De Danann, working in bronze, bråśś and gold. He and his brothers Goibniu and Luchtaine were known as the Tri Dee Dana, the three gods of art, who forged the weapons which the Tuatha De used to battle the Fomorians. Ireland |
Goddess name "Eriu" | Celtic / Irish | Fertility goddess. An aspect of the MORRIGAN. One of the deities who were known as the Sovereignty of Ireland and wedded sym bolically to a mortal king. Also a warrior goddess, capable of changing shape from girl to hag, and into birds and animals. She is patroness of the royal seat of Uisnech in County Meath. Eire and Erin are corruptions of her name. See also BADB.... |
King name "Finvarra" | Ireland | Is the High king of the Daoine Sidhe in Irish folklore. In some legends, he is also the king of the Dead. Finvarra is a benevolent figure who ensures good harvests, strong horses, and great riches to those who will åśśist him. Ireland |
Goddess name "Flidais (Watch-Out-Dear)" | Ireland | A huntress and archer fond of the chase. A Celtic Artemis except, whereas Artemis was a virgin goddess, Flidais was very fond of jolly bonking. Ireland |
Goddess name "Fotla" | Ireland | A patron goddess of Ireland and the wife of the Tuatha king MacCeacht. |
King name "MacCuill" | Ireland | Son of the hazel, one of the last Tuath kings, was so-called because he worshipped the hazel. Fairies danced beneath the hawthorn. Ogham tablets were of yew. Lady Wilde styled the elder a sacred tree; and the blackthorn, to which the Irishman is said to be still devoted, was a sacred tree. Ireland |
King name "Matholwch" | Ireland | A king of Ireland, is a character in the Second Branch of the Mabinogi |
King name "Medhbh" | Irish | queen of Connacht in the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology. Her father was Eochaid Feidlech, the High king of Ireland. Her best-known husband was Ailill mac Mata, although she had several husbands before him, all of whom were kings of Connacht while they were married to her. |
Goddess name "Mor" | Ireland | Goddess of the Sun and dam of the kings of Munster Ireland |
Goddess name "Nair" | Ireland | Goddess best known for escorting High king Crebhan to the Otherworld Ireland |
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