Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
King name "Midas" | Greek | A son of Gordius by Cybele, a wealthy but effeminate king of Phrygia, a pupil of Orpheus, and a promoter of the worship of Dionysus. His wealth is alluded to in a story connected with his childhood, for it is said that while yet a child, ants carried grains of wheat into his mouth to indicate that one day he should be the richest of all mortals. Greek |
King name "Midas-eared" | Greek | Without discrimination or judgment. Midas, king of Phrygia, was appointed to judge a musical contest between Apollo and Pan, and gave judgment in favour of the satyr; whereupon Apollo in contempt gave the king a pair of åśś's ears. Midas hid them under his Phrygian cap; out his servant, who used to cut his hair, discovered them, and was so tickled at the "joke," which he durst not mention, that he dug a hole in the earth, and relieved his mind by whispering in it "Midas has åśś's ears." Greek |